I saw a great quote today which really resonated with me, so I just had to share it with you all. It's a quote by Steve Jobs, and we all know how successful he was. The quote was:
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life!"
What inspires you to keep going when faced with challenges?
• Sep '23
Wise words Ian. What would a wise person do? (A wise person being your clients own innate wisdom), Any Future Emotion Appearing Real, is our anxiety and fears. I love the part in the book, "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman, "the only thing we ever really have, is this moment. The only battles we ever have to face, are those that come from within".
• Sep '23
loved that book Paul. Long time since I read it.
I also read Dans follow on which was also very good.
I haven't heard of that book . I shall have to read it!
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• Sep '23
It is a great quote. To me it refers to living your highest values, highest belief systems and believing in ourselves to our highest degree for as long as we have. When facing challenges like this, I see it as though sometimes we can tend to overthink how we think others see us, especially our loved ones, family members and the significant relationships we hold with people important to us. Then we can subordinate our own highest values and live out those of others. We also tend to subordinate our highest beliefs with those societal values which we think are just expected of us. At the end of the day, when challenged I like to find gratitude and find where it is that this person or situation or circumstance, is actually helping me evolve more into my own authenticity. Being true to myself, finding balance in the moment, seeing the big picture in gratitude for just what is and how things are. Without any need to want or have to control anything, but to understand that it is how I respond (as in response- ability), rather than react from an emotional attachment to the past, that will decide the quality and value of my own time and experience.
Believe in Opera's words, "believe in yourself". Just a little bit of my take on things and I hope I haven't overstayed my welcome in your group here already Joy, lol. 👍 but if it contributes something to your group, then I am very happy. I have written the preface of a book already so best I leave it at that. Thank you for the inspiration, wonderful. 🙏
• Jul '24
live you took the ice to share your heartfelt thoughts with us🥰 good job
Thank you for your input I really appreciate your comments. I agree wholeheartedly with you. To live the life that we want we must believe in ourselves and our own abilities. Looking for the good that can come out of any challenge is a great way of using adversity to our advantage. If we don't take control of our lives then we will end up living our life the way someone else wants us to, rather than living it the way we want to. I think being true to yourself and your own values is critical to living your life on your terms. Gratitude for even the smallest of things can be helpful in getting a different perspective of our life, even when things are not going as planned. Let me know when your book is complete and published. I will look forward to reading it.
• Sep '23
the comment about me having written the preface of a book already, I said in an attempt at being funny. I haven't written the preface of a book other than what I wrote in the post above but I will definitely let you know if I ever do write one. 😂 Looking forward to more of this conversation 👍
Hi , 😂🤣 Sorry I missed the point! Maybe you should! It's very rewarding! You can always save it somewhere for when you do! 😉
• Sep '23
Working with one of my new clients last week who’s been suffering with anxiety & fear for more than 41 years, having listened to the story I asked her 2 questions - how has that served you? Her answer - it hasn’t.
How many more heart beats can you afford to waste on that strategy then? Her answer - none!
Time is a thief! You can’t save it, only spend it, so spend it wisely!!
Wise words indeed . Doesn't the saying go "Procrastination Is The Thief Of Time"?
Well done you, for helping her see what she was doing to herself! I hope that she had a major breakthrough after that conversation!
• Sep '23
well the impact was immediate with her answer of none. Then she realised what she said and what that meant. Within minutes she was dancing!
I’m keen to find out in our next session if she has managed to take that on or find we have more triggers to collapse.
I was delighted to get a smile on her face to show there’s more than a chance of salvation Joy.
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• Sep '23
Very true
• Sep '23
Ive seen that quote before Joy. Very to the point Joy.
Thanks , yes it is and it will certainly make people stop and think!
• Sep '23
Its good to have some quotes nearby as reminders to remain focused moving fwd 👍😊
I agree with you , it is! 😃
• Sep '23
At my age, I cannot afford the time to live other people's lives and obstacles just temporary barriers there to be overcome
That's a great way to look at challenges that we face
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Hilary Joy Coulson
Aquarius Dawning Coaching
I am a Business Consultant and Coach. I provide small business owners with the relevant knowledge, skills and guidance to grow their online business.
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