Are you a glass half full kind of person or a glass half empty?
Do you gravitate towards the negative or the positive?
There are many people that tend to look at the glass as half empty instead of half full, so they miss the good things that exist in their lives, and the opportunities that could arise.
However, if you are a full on optimist and always see the glass as half full, you could miss the things that are not working for you which could be improved upon.
That's why Dr Robert Muller professes to be a Chosen Optimist as then you get to see what is broken and have the opportunity to fix it, but you choose to be optimistic and see what is already good in your life that you can be grateful for.
We all have wonderful things in our life that we can be grateful for, but we are also empty of our fullest potential going forward.
So maybe we could all take a leaf out of Dr Robert Muller's book and choose optimism, and see where it leads us. What can you be optimistic about today?
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this.
Hilary Joy Coulson
Aquarius Dawning Coaching
I am a Business Consultant and Coach. I provide small business owners with the relevant knowledge, skills and guidance to grow their online business.
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