Anthropology Africa
Private group
7 members
$31 /month
Get Bior's help to gain reliable insights on African history & topics that you didn't learn about in school. With Bior's multidisciplinary framework you gain access to a vast amount of exclusive video & literary resources absent of political bias that you won't find anywhere else.
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1-1 Coaching = $31
Bonus #1 Weekly Q&A Calls
Bonus #2 Personalized guidance & Community
Bonus #3 Comprehensive Courses
Bonus #4 African Archives
Bonus #5 Personalized DNA ancestry Analysis (G25/Vahaduo)
You'll garner skills such as learning to analyze DNA yourself, discovering how population genetics works and how geneticist analyze ancestry. You'll gain valuable knowledge on the most important historical events & people that shaped the African continent into what it is today & much more!!
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Anthropology Africa
Private group
A community & movement dedicated to rediscovering the African continent:)
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