Alone in need of prayer
I feel torn. I seek my other half with all I have. I peruse and serve in as Godly a manner as I know how. I’m faithful and loving to my partner and children. I work on her love language daily. I have committed to personal growth and responsibility of my issues. I’ve committed to counseling and have worked on the relationship with all my being. But I’m doing it alone. I struggle to be happy with the lack of intimacy and respect in my relationship. This journey is not over in fact it’s about to potentially get worse. I need prayer to persevere in this time of need. I need strength, understanding, empathy, and compassion . I need to give exactly what I deserve and desire with out expecting to get it my self. Pray for me to find worth and purpose.
Derek Gray
Alone in need of prayer
Community focused on mens relational health! Men feel alone, stuck in fear, in pain having things that keep us hamstrung! We aim to end that and do!
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