The Nursing Revolution Roadmap
Here's what the journey ahead looks like:
Step 1: Master the tools and features available
Step 2: Get in the habit of creating
Step 3: Level up
Step 4: Make your first classroom curriculum
Step 5: Become a co-creator and contributor
Step 6: Start a local initiative
A note about mastering the tools and features:
If you take the time to understand why there are multiple features and tools to enhance the community contribution and engagement, you'll appreciate the community and hopefully make this your primary spot for connection, community and purpose. If you're interested in creating a classroom of your own with content that you would like to have available to the nursing community, knowing the features will really com in handy.
A note about getting in the habit of creating:
This is a safe space for you to connect. We want to hear your voice and know how we can make the nursing profession one that we all are proud and grateful to be a part of. Nurses are some of the best adaptive and resourceful people with passion and drive to make things happen. I know I am and I'm sure a few of you out there are the same. By posting and encouraging community engagement, you might spark that fire in another nurses soul and together you can get the ball rolling on a major initiative.
A note about leveling up:
If you've noticed, not all the classrooms are accessible when you first start. That's a feature that I find exciting because it really helps encourage participation and meaningful contributions to the community. If you've completed step 1, then you know how to level up. As you increase in level, you will start to unlock the additional classrooms in the community. You are meant to have all this information, just not all at once. So hang in there and keep posting.
A note about classroom curriculum:
You don't have to have an advance degree in this community to share your passion and wealth of knowledge with the community. This community is a grass roots, non-affiliated, non-corporate funded cause. We encourage all to take a chance at standing out and if you feel so inclined to branch off and start your own "Skool", please, more power too you.
A note about becoming a co-creator and contributor:
The objective is not for one single persons voice to be broadcasted, but to have many. As a co-creator and contributor, you'll gain access as an admin to fully engage in the community, create classrooms and become a SME (Subject Matter Expert). You do not have to have an advance degree, an outstanding resume, or a list of phenomenal accolades. You do have to be passionate about the cause, have a dream, and action plan for the future. You could also create your own "Skool". The more nurses promoting the revolution of healthcare, the faster we will create the outcome we desperately need.
A note about creating a local initiative:
One of the reasons for growing a virtual community is to find and connect IRL (In Real Life) with your local community. Hopefully you will find like minded nurses in your area and together, or alone, you can start a nursing revolution and healthcare initiative that positively impacts your community. I know that as this community grows, we will start to have so much more access to the tools and resources we need in order to do this. Things are complicated, challenging and we seriously need the collective to make this revolution a cause that not just nurses are pushing forward, but other change makers.
Are you with me?
Hell yeah!!! Count me in.
Possibly, I'll have to think about it.
No way.
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Elina Solaita
The Nursing Revolution Roadmap
Nursing Revolution
Nurses embracing innovative practices, expanding professional boundaries, fostering collaboration, and promoting patient-centered care. RE-EVOLUTION.
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