Another HUGE Win
Posting a lot of these lately, it's all starting to come together, this one brings my MRR to $4,300.
Within the last 2 weeks I multiplied my MRR by 9 TIMES. I haven't done ANY outreach in the last 1-2 months.
Fuck all these gurus saying you need to do 200 cold calls a day even when you have clients.
Do a shit ton of cold calls, but once you have a client for $500/m+ and you're doing a decent amount of work for them, ONLY focus on providing good results, the referrals you will get will be insane.
Here's a screenshot of one of my clients literally OUTREACHING FOR ME. I didn't even have to ask him, he just straight up told one of his business friends to hire me for Meta Ads.
Alistair Booth
Another HUGE Win
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