- FUN stuff! My longest prompt ever...
I tried today & got fantastic results compared to other Ai's I've used (link).
I asked about certain items in the TOS (term of service) regarding "sensitive" material because I'm writing a sci-fi war novel & it gave a very reasonable reply vs some other Ai's that just told me NOPE.
I gave Claude the same prompt that I fed to all of the other Ai's (and saved in a word doc for review & analysis) and it gave me very similar results - even though the backend / LLM is NOT, META (Llama2), Mosaic, Falcon, etc. (See reply blow RE: what Brave's LEO Ai says about Claude's LLM.)
I asked about character limits and it more or less said - none, depending on when I ask.
I asked about prompt character limits and it more or less said - none.
I banged out a prompt that was 1 full page in word w/ narrow margins (my longest prompt ever)!
I started with, "Write chapter outline TOC with lengthy chapter summaries for sci-fi novel about..."
Then, "Continue and be as verbose as you can..."
The TOC it gave me was 16 chapters, but it only gave me 2 pages (5 chapters), so I kept asking it to "continue" and it gave me one page at a time (2 more chapters), so I kept asking it to "continue" and it gave me one page at a time (2 more chapters) until I got all 16 chapters and 14 pages of IDEAS.
That is the best experience I've had with any free Ai, but I have to assume that others might have done it, but I never gave them such a long prompt. I think I am getting better at the prompting, but I am such a noob!
That's why I'm here... to learn how to really get some value from Ai for my particular need / use case.
FUN stuff!
Troy B
6 - FUN stuff! My longest prompt ever...
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