23d ago (edited) in 💎 FREE Value
Apple goes all in on AI + integrates ChatGPT
Apple just announce what their future OS's look like when they are Apple AI enabled - calling it 'Apple Intelligence' - built with privacy of their customers in mind. Some totally awesome new use cases that truly empower their customers. Plus OS integration with ChatGPT.
This video does a nice job summarizing the announcement Apple made at their World Wide Developer Conference.
Can't wait to test these out! Especially the writing assistance, and email reply assistance. I know I pay subscriptions to other services, but now it appears that these are going to come with the OS for free....
How will these new features change you you interact with AI and modify any of your workflows?
Get's me to wondering can truly help accelerate the developer's community adoption of AI that may not be fully in yet....
The landscape is changing very rapidly.
Alex White
Apple goes all in on AI + integrates ChatGPT
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