4 New Courses
Just finished recording 3 new mini courses for you all, and I've also added the 6 hour AI For Founders Masterclass I hosted last summer to the Classroom.
In the short videos I share...
  1. My favorite social media reels making process
  2. My top three tools for rapid AI UI/UX prototyping
  3. How I approach day-to-day practical AI driven copywriting
In the AI For Founders Masterclass you will find 6 hours of high level frameworks focused on preparing you as a founder, and business leader for what's to come in the future of AI ($897 value, absolutely free).
As always, please feel free to continue posting your questions, and/or feedback inside the Community section of the Skool, and I will answer with a video, links, or other relevant content.
More coming soon!
Nick Sarafa
4 New Courses
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