magic angle artifact (repost from the fellowship group for open access)
Dear Colleagues,
for the purpose of image generation for a lecture I put myself (healthy young MSK-interested consultant) into the machine and did a series of coronar intermediate weighted fs sequences with different TE-timings to illustrate the influence of the magic angle artifact. The last one was done with moderate, the others with high settings on AIR ReconDL algorythm. It shows, that you have to raise the TE time quite high for getting rid of most Magic Angle Arteface Influence.
True T2-images offer the advantage of even higher TR time with the chance of greater longitudinal relaxation. The shown IW sequences have a TR of about 1900 ms.
TE times are: 25ms - 40ms - 55ms - 70ms
Best wishes,
1 comment
Maximilian H. Leißner
magic angle artifact (repost from the fellowship group for open access)
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