I made it ... just in time
It was quite a task but I made it.
​At the beginning of 2024, I had this idea.
An idea so powerful and crazy, that I was a bit afraid of doing it, to be honest.
Well, I had this idea for a long time, but at new years eve I finally decided to take action and started working on it in January, while teleradiology business was calm.
And here is a little trick
I didn't just started working on it secretly, I told everybody that I am doing it!
Because that creates commitment and accountability. It is a great trick for many things if you suffer from procrastinating.
So I told everybody in March I will bring this idea to life.
I wanted to teach people how to report knee MRI in under 5 minutes.
I had only 8 weeks to do everything from scratch.
The first few weeks I was building out the script and outline.
I was investing in new equipment to film, new lights, new backdrop, new background lights etc.
That is nice, and it took me way to long lol.
I prepared all the PowerPoint slides and structure to film etc.
By the time it was February, I had all the equipment, I tested it, but haven't filmed a single minute of content yet 😯
However, people were already purchasing the 5min knee MRI masterclass.
I was getting more and more nervous.
What If I don't finish in time?
There was always something else to do (mainly family and teleradiology).
So I made some changes to my schedule to get a full day of filming and bäm...
50% was recorded in one single day and I finished week 1 of the training after editing and uploading the course material to the platform in the same week the course launched.
I was ready to launch, phew...
So when week 1 launched on March 1st, I did not yet have the other 4 weeks ready. In a big push and another whole day of filming, editing and 2 more days of uploading and creating the other weeks, I managed to finish the full course this week (while students are still working through week 1).
And I am really happy to see what this first cohort of 45 radiologists will achieve with the training, more on this in the upcoming weeks.
The main lessons here are:
- if you want to do something, tell somebody about it, it will create accountability, a powerful trick.
- focus on one thing at a time. Create blocks of 2 or more hours to get "into the zone". Don't multitask.
How do you get work related stuff done?
How do you finish an ever-growing reporting list on time?
How do you deal with increased workload, when somebody is sick?
Please let me know by clicking the button below.
Christoph Agten
I made it ... just in time
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