"I Need to Admit Something..."
I've been involved in the agency business since 2009, gaining experience but mostly burning ๐Ÿ”ฅ through money ๐Ÿ’ถ. Recently, I realized that much of that money could have been better used to build my retirement savings, where I'm currently lagging by about 70% compared to my peers.
One software alone has cost me around $3,000 over four years. That's why I'm now focusing more on lifetime deals (LTDs), where applicable, and have unsubscribed from the endless "sell, sell, sell" emails.
My main challenges have been a lack of focus and not taking decisive action, particularly when it comes to engaging directly with businesses. While Iโ€™ve built a local presence through social media, promoting local food, it hasnโ€™t paid the bills. Iโ€™ve paused that effort to focus on what matters most, especially with a new baby at home.
I struggle ๐Ÿ˜ with self-doubt in business, but I find that taking action helps push it aside. While social media might be a strength ๐Ÿ’ชof mine, I'm uncertain if I want to pursue it further. What I truly enjoy is supporting local businesses and building community engagement ๐Ÿ‘ช. Iโ€™m particularly drawn to helping power washing companies drive traffic, as I understand the industry and its language well.
Devon Buse
"I Need to Admit Something..."
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