World’s Greatest Sales Trainer & Marketing Agency #1 Hater Blows YouTube Out The Water...
Ever heard of Jeremy Miner?
If you haven’t, let me clue you in…
Jeremy is potentially the world’s greatest Sales Trainer right now.
(Cole, if you’re reading this, it’s not you… It’s me lolol)
He’s the Founder and CEO of 7th Level and Sales Sniper.
And one day, after cashing $33 million in straight sales commissions, he decided to create a sales training company.
A regular day for him, something remarkable for 99.9% of human beings.
The point is… We have the honor to run his YouTube Ads.
But it wasn’t a walk in the park.
You see, Jeremy kinda hates marketing agencies.
And for good reason, too.
Most agencies overpromise and underdeliver.
Maybe you’ve experienced this yourself?
The point being, Jeremy is a no BS kind of person.
So when he got sick of so-called gooroooos and on-stage personalities burning his ad budget…
He hired an in-house team to manage his Facebook & IG ads.
But not YouTube.And why is that?
We don’t know. But we do know this…
We scripted, managed, edited, and launched all his campaigns on YouTube and Google since January 2023, and surprise, surprise…
His ads are NUKING.
We’ve helped them make over $800k in new cash collected with under $200k in Adspend…
Equaling out to a 4x ROAS in only about 3-months after it took us about a month or two to get up and running and work out the kinks with their campaign.
Not too shabby huh?
For sure, it helps being a deal closing sensei…
But, it also means that it doesn’t really matter if you are amazing at sales…
If you don’t have high quality, and affordable leads that are easier to close!
Now let's get into you some tactical takeaways for you to implement immediately:
  • The Offer: Sales Training program for b2b sales reps
  • The Funnel: (VSL Book A Call Funnel)
  • The campaign took about 2-months to really get going and profitable.
  • This is because YouTube was a NEW platform for Jeremy and his team. Although they have a proven offer/funnel cranking on FB & IG, it still takes about a month to dial in your conversion actions and crank...
  • After the first month, we made changes and optimizations to the landing page that dramatically increase the opt-in rate (shoutout to for his amazing work on this CRO side) and got us to 2x ROAS
  • Luckily, Jeremy and his team know the power of marketing and that a 2x can quickly become a 3x, 4x, and even 5x, with the right tweaks and time testing... and that's why we love working with them.
  • Creative scaling spree - we also re-wrote new ads and hooks that Jeremy filmed which took everything to the next level as well... (might do an Ad Breakdown on this in the future?)
So long story short...
  1. 90-days ladies and gentleman... this is a 3-month project bare minimum. Had we split ways after 2-months, we wouldn't be posting this today. This is why it's super important you have a budget stock piled to see your campaigns through and make optimizations along the way to scale profitably. Which takes time, and testing.
  2. CRO, CRO, CRO - If you're getting clicks and they're not opt-ing in, it's time to work on the landing page. But before you touch anything, make sure you let your campaigns run for at least 7-14 days...
  3. Sales team management & leadership - Again, we can't take all the credit... they're a world class sales organization, and they close man... boy do they close. But all the leads in the world won't matter if you/your sales team don't learn how to close deals from COLD traffic. Invest in sales training, sales management and leadership. It's the only way you'll be able to scale to 8-figures today in the info-marketing space with paid ads... sales team.
Would you wanna see me and my team create a more in-depth case study breaking down everything we did step-by-step? Would you watch that?
Let me know...
-Brian "Sales Sniper" Moncada
Brian Moncada
World’s Greatest Sales Trainer & Marketing Agency #1 Hater Blows YouTube Out The Water...
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