Why you can't scale... (THE MIRROR PRINCIPLE)
Back in college, my Junior year at Arizona State University, I read a book called 'The Compound Effect'...
And this book taught me a VERY life-changing principle that has helped me:
  1. Make more money
  2. Close more deals
  3. ...And attract the right people (clients, team, wife ;)
It was written by a man named Darren Hardy, and Darren was mentored by the late, great Jim Rohn.
Jim Rohn also mentored Tony Robbins.
So Darren learned a lot from Tony Robbins too...
And in the book, Darren shares how learned this SAME principle from Tony, that allowed HIM to attract his DREAM wife... into his life.
Here's how he did it:
1. He wrote down EXACTLY what he wanted in his ideal partner...
EXACTLY how she looked... hair color, eye color, skin color, body type, and smile.
EXACTLY how she acted... how she laughed, how she talked, how she treated others, etc....
And EXACTLY what she valued... family, friends, fitness, relationships, religion, personal growth, etc.
In total, he wrote about 40 pages worth of notes describing his dream wife!
But, he wasn't done yet...
The MOST important step came next...
He looked at this list of EVERYTHING he wanted in his DREAM wife...
2. Then he wrote down EVERYTHING that SHE would want in her DREAM husband.
EXACTLY how HE would look...
EXACTLY how HE would act...
EXACTLY what HE would value...
So he wrote another 40 pages on just what HE needed to be, for her!And what this did, was allow him to realize that in order to ATTRACT the wife he dreamed of marrying...
He first had to BECOME the husband SHE would WANT to marry...
Then, he got work... on becoming that person... And a few years later, he married her...
He literally attracted her into his life, and she was exactly who he described she would be, in his 40 pages worth of notes lol.
Now, what does this mean for YOU and why should you care?
Well, I talk to a lot of coaches, course creators, and agency owners who all want the same thing...
To get MORE clients...
And to make MORE money...
Now, on the surface they're doing everything right...
But, they fail to ACTUALIZE this one KEY principle that's PREVENTING them from achieving their goals and dreams...
Preventing them from scaling...
Preventing them from getting more clients...
And preventing them from making more money...
Which is... 'The Mirror Principle'.
The Mirror Principle states that our OUTER world is a REFLECTION of our INTERNAL image...
And until we FIRST become the PERSON that we want to ATTRACT...
We'll NEVER be able to ever have them... as clients, friends, partners, husbands, wives, or team members.
I prefer to call it the "Law of The Mirror", because it's a Law, just like the Law of Gravity, which means that it doesn't matter whether you believe in it or not... it's there, and it's real.
For example, if you jump out of your high-rise condo today from the 12th floor and try to fly...
The Law of Gravity will humble you real quick and have you falling face first into the pavement breaking every single bone in your body.
Same with the Law Of The Mirror...
People will behave with you, exactly how YOU behave with people!Meaning, if you want to attract more of the RIGHT clients, YOU first must become your IDEAL client.
So, if you don't buy courses, coaching programs, or join masterminds...
People won't buy YOUR courses, coaching programs, or masterminds...
OR for example, if you always get the SAME objection on sales calls like:
"I wanna think about it..."
"I wanna talk to my wife..."
"I don't think it's the right time to do this just yet..."
That means that YOU are saying those same things in other areas of your life too!
OR if you keep getting people asking for payment plans on your sales calls instead of paying in full...
That means that YOU are probably asking for payment plans too!Is this making sense yet?My point being...
If you you want to SCALE, if you want to get MORE clients, and if you want to make MORE money...
It's actually pretty simple...
Just BE the person YOU want to attract in your business TOO!
Make decisions on the call.
Pay for the program in full.
Show up as the client you want...
This is as old of a principle and law, as the Bible itself...
Hell, it was even written in the Bible...
"You REAP what you SOW..."
To GET, you first must GIVE.
And if you're not getting, it's probably because you're not giving.
This one PRINCIPLE, this one LAW, is what's allowed me to:
  1. Build a 7-figure agency in less than 2-years, that's also grown year over year...
  2. Work with industry leaders and celebrities as my clients that I once looked up to and learned from...
  3. And attract a network of winners and team members who believe in my mission, vision, and values...
  4. PLUS, land me my DREAM wife too!
If you're not attracting the right clients...
And if you've been stuck at the SAME income for the last few months, or years, and can't scale...
No tactic, no strategy, no template, no chatbot, ad, or VSL, will get you MORE and BETTER results than this ONE law right here...
BE the person you would want as a client, as a friend, as a team member, and as a partner...
And you'll begin attracting MORE of the right clients, friends, team members, and partners...
Simple really 馃
-Brian 'mirror mirror on the wall, who's the greatest Ad Man of them all?' Moncada
Brian Moncada
Why you can't scale... (THE MIRROR PRINCIPLE)
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