Sleep Hacks From Sam Oven’s & Tai Lopez’s Peak Performance Coach
What’s up Ad Men,
Hope you’re having a fantastic Monday so far…
And if you’re not, this email might be the cure 💊
You see, very recently I had the opportunity to have dinner with Mark Dhamma...
He's the peak performance coach for guys like Sam Ovens, Tai Lopez, Will Brown, Jeremy Haynes and Charlie Morgan.
And what I learned from that 1 conversation, has helped me:
  1. Dial in my sleep schedule to wake up without an alarm clock
  2. Feel more rested, recovered, and excited to get out of bed than ever before
  3. Eliminate a ton of unnecessary stress, anxiety & worry that used to keep me up at night
  4. Plus a whole lot more…
And in this post I’m going to give you the TOP 5 learning lessons I took away from that convo with Mark Dhamma so that you can implement them in your life immediately as well…
Sound good?
So let’s start with the ‘basics’...
Mark Dhamma’s background is in Sports Science, and he views entrepreneurs just like athletes, but instead of optimizing for performance on the field… his focus is helping us optimize our performance in business.
And to do this, he focuses on the #1 thing that makes or breaks successful entrepreneurs over the long-run…
And that’s your SLEEP 😴
You see, according to Mark, SLEEP is the #1 leading indicator of success for us entrepreneurs.
The reason why? Because without proper SLEEP, you won’t feel relaxed during the day, which causes stress, anxiety, worry, and lack of focus.
Think about it… How do you feel when you get 8-hours of sleep vs. 4 or 5 hours of sleep?
When you get a full 8-hours of sleep, you wake up with a smile…
You wake up feeling rested, recovered, and with tons of energy ready to attack the day…
But when you only get 4 or 5 hours?
You feel like a zombie… stressed, anxious, worried, and even though you can try to put your best game-face on to your family, friends, or team and muscle it out…
Deep down inside your body feels like sh*t… and your focus is shot. Lack of sleep compromises ALL of your decision making abilities…
Lack of sleep also causes you to eat more junk food because your body is craving a bunch of sugar for quick energy and it’s hard to say no when you don’t have much willpower because you’re not fully rested…
Am I right or right?
So his WHOLE focus at first when working with entrepreneurs like us is to dial in our sleep schedule…
And that’s why the FIRST takeaway is to take your SLEEP seriously.
Mark explained to me to look at my SLEEP like a Lighthouse in the middle of the ocean…
What does a lighthouse do when a boat comes by it? Nothing… It doesn’t move lol.
And your sleep shouldn’t either.
That’s why ever since my wife and I got to AZ last Sunday, we made sure to wake up and go to bed with the sunrise and sunset.
Our sleep schedule is 10pm-5:30am, as that’s about 8-hours and is aligned with the sun-rise and sunset here in Arizona.
Now we’re waking up without an alarm clock, when the sun is rising, getting that Vitamin D first thing in the morning, and come night time… we’re exhausted by about 9pm, which makes it easy to sleep before 10pm.
So the first takeaway is to take your sleep seriously and make it your lighthouse, lighthouses don’t move… your sleep schedule shouldn’t either.
Now the next takeaway I learned from Mark might stir a little bit of controversy lol…
But Mark also said you shouldn’t work from home…
And before you hit reply and start writing a long-essay on why you have been more productive at home vs. in-office… relax lol.
Mark said that working from home is fine, IF you have what he calls: An OPTIMIZED OFFICE, and a SLEEP SANCTUARY.
Which means 2 separate spaces dedicated to WORK and REST.
So if you do work from home, like me right now…
You should have a room that’s specifically for DEEP work, and nothing else.
When you go into your office everyday, your body and mind should be primed to focus on work. Which means you shouldn’t take your work outside the office either…
Don’t bring your laptop to your living room, dining table, kitchen, or worse, your bedroom and begin writing or working from the rest of your house…
This will cause stress to your body because you’ll never ‘turn off’.
Most people nowadays can’t ever shut off their mind from racing at night because they never shut off their work from the rest of the house.
Which is why your SLEEP SANCTUARY is so important…
Your bedroom should be where you go to relax, rest, and recover…
Not to work, watch TV, or stare at your iPhone for hours and hours until you get tired. It should be as pitch black and cold as possible, and you shouldn’t have your phone anywhere near you when you’re sleeping.
We put our phones in the bathroom to charge at night while we’re asleep, which makes it easy for us to get up in the morning if we need to turn off our alarm clock.
This prevents us from just pressing ‘snooze’ and then rolling over and going to sleep again. Point being, keep your work and recovery separate..
No, you don’t need to physically get out of the house to work everyday… but you should have a dedicated space for work that’s separate from the rest of your house/apartment to avoid always thinking about work.
Which brings me to the next takeaway…
Delete everything on your phone. Seriously.
Do you need all those apps?
Have you looked at how much time you spend on your phone? What’s your screen time?
When Mark asked me, it was 5-hours…
5 f*cking hours lol.
And how much is 1-hour of your time worth?
For me, I’ve calculated that 1-hour of my time is worth $1,500.
Which means I’m basically wasting $4,500 or so everyday with all that screen time on my phone… Because let’s be honest, most of those 5-hours are spent wasting time, not working. And one of the biggest killers of our focus is our phones…
Especially when it comes to sleep because we’re always checking Slack, Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
Constant checking of what’s new, what’s missed, and what’s happening, which causes more stress, anxiety, and worry… which ultimately keeps us up at night because our mind continues racing.
That’s why Mark told me it’s not really about never using your phone…
But being more disciplined on when you’re using it and what you’re using it for. Remember, all this is to help us focus on growing our businesses.
And spending 5-hours on your phone everyday might not be your highest ROI activity. At least for me.
Personally, I’ve felt Slack was crippling me for months… and I deleted it from my phone completely. That, plus FB, and basically everything else that I wasn’t really using.
And I’m glad to say I definitely have less stress, worry, and anxiety because I’m not tempted to check-in and see what’s happening with my team or clients every second, minute, or hour of the day…
And since last week, I've reduced my screen time to only 3-hours and 36 minutes! Next goal? Less than 3-hours total per week minimum.
Last but not least… STOP the caffeine & BREATHE.
Alex Becker has been preaching this lately too...
Now luckily I’ve been off caffeine for about 2-years now…
But Mark said by prioritizing your sleep first, and following a solid morning routine of breathe work, you wouldn’t even need caffeine.
Again, why do most of us want caffeine in the first place? To feel more awake right?
So it’s not about NEVER drinking caffeine, but simply getting to a place where you don’t even need it anymore…
And let me tell you, natty energy, is the best energy ⚡️
Anyways, that’s about it for today. Wanted to send this to you to help you kick-start your week off right and install some of these peak performance habits into your routine to experience the benefits ASAP. Hope this helps
- Brian "sleepy sleepy time" Moncada
Brian Moncada
Sleep Hacks From Sam Oven’s & Tai Lopez’s Peak Performance Coach
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