I went to Will Brown's Dubai Boardroom Mastermind (here's everything I learned from DAY ONE)
This past weekend I flew all the way to Dubai to speak at Will Brown's mastermind.
And as per usual, I'll be posting the full behind the scenes VLOG showing you all the action later this week...
But for now, I wanted to share a couple top takeaways that I learned with you today... if that's cool with you?
So first, I got a question for you...
"How far do you want to Scale?"
Do you know the answer to this?If you don't, you're probably stressing yourself out a lot as a CEO...
I would know...
It's not just the mold exposure in Miami that caused stress to my body... leading me to have these gut issues that are showing up through my skin via eczema and staph...
But because of STRESS too.
And this was the very FIRST question that Will Brown asked everyone after they intro'd themselves to each other on DAY 1...
1. "How far do you REALLY want to Scale?"
Whatever your answer is doesn't really matter, as long as you HAVE an answer.
For Will for example, he was at $1M/month with his trading coaching offer up until he SOLD his business to a private equity firm and exited his company for a couple million...
He's chilling.Making a solid $100-200k/month in revenue, 80% of it being pure PROFIT...
And living life up in Dubai.Because that's how far he wants to scale now.
So ask yourself this question right now...
And really think about it too.
Is it the number you thought it was that you should say to yourself, because of what everyone else is saying they want with their business?
Or is it the number you REALLY want that would make you happy and live the life you want?
Tough one to ponder on, but probably one of the most powerful questions you could ever ask yourself to avoid a lot of stress, anxiety, worry, and frustration...
Look, it's one thing to PUSH yourself and go for broke (not literally lol...)
But if it comes at the cost of your joy, love, fun, and happiness, or even desired lifestyle...
Then it might be time to reconsider that number and change it.Nothing wrong with it.
Just think about it.
And answer it.
Then, once you have it, accept it.And all the work that's going to come in front of you in order to get it.
Because now, at least you'll know that what you're doing right now is worth it...
Make sense?
2. Now, another BIG topic of discussion was the low-ticket vs. high-ticket debate...
Specifically talked about by Will who was helping one of the attendee's with his fitness coaching offer...
Up until now, this fitness coach has only been charging his clients $250/month for 1-1 coaching...
Which includes a custom meal plan, custom workouts, 1-1 check-in calls, and more...
Fair or foul?
Easy one for me to answer...
Super FOUL.
And everyone else in the room pretty much agreed too.
His main problem?
Too little of margin, too much 1-1, and too BROAD of an offer/audience...
He was helping anyone and everyone who wanted to work with him, but has been capped at $20-30k/month in revenue... for over a couple months now.
Luckily he was there, in that room, and was able to hear us chime in to help him re-package and position his offer to be sold for $3-5k upfront for 4-6 months, with some recurring and ongoing coaching on the backend.
He got CLEAR on WHO he was targeting, and what he was going to be SPECIALIZING in...
Remember, the key to SCALING is having a SCALABLE offer...
And a scalable offer follows the 3S formula (credit to Cole Gordon)...
Your offer solves a...
1. Specific problem...
2. For a specific person...
3. In a specific way...
But besides just telling you that, you also need to know that it's possible to charge that much for what you do right now... and get paid for it too.
Maybe like him you've had bad experiences in the past with offering your coaching/services and went back to what nobody says NO too...
Well, it's probably because you're offer isn't Packaged & Positioned properly... and fails to follow the 3S formula above.
I talk about this in the #Creating Scalable Offers training inside the Classroom.
It's actually WAY easier to charge high-ticket than low-ticket and ultimately scale to $100k/months and beyond...
But the reason you see a bunch of people switching to low-ticket is because the one's crushing it already have a BIG following on social and need a way to monetize all their traffic who can't afford their high-ticket.
High-ticket is just simpler to scale...
1 high-ticket offer, 1 paid traffic source, 1 VSL book a call funnel, 1 sales process, 1 fulfillment process.
Low-ticket can work, obviously...
But for it just depends what stage you're in with your business and when it makes sense to offer it.
But maybe like him, you needed to hear this today and know that you can charge premium prices too...
The high-ticket price is what actually makes the economics of your offer/business work.
3. Say NO to anything and everything except the ONE thing... and KNOW when it's time to PIVOT and switch businesses
This part of the mastermind got HEATED...
There was a guy who shared that he had been struggling to SCALE his visual effects business that helps visual effects professionals who specifically work in the movie/TV industry...
And he explained to us how he's had this business for over 4-years now... but can't for the life of him get any sort of consistency when it comes to acquiring leads, calls, and clients.
He's been stuck at $250k/year for years...
He's hired an agency to try and help him get more leads... that failed.
He's tried making content on YT to grow his brand and get more clients... that hasn't really worked either (at least not well).
And he was asking what other strategies he can use to get him more clients...
Now, before I go any further, what are your thoughts here?
Want mine?
His NICHE is too small.
His OFFER is too niche.
What got him to $250k/year, won't get him to $250k/month...
Now that's not what he said he wants to get too...
but he did say he does want to GROW.And clearly what he's tried, hasn't worked.
For me, as the Ad Man... it was easy to see.
But every time everyone in the room tried offering their opinion and suggestions to help him see that his offer indeed just might be too niche...
He always had a reason to justify WHY he thinks it can work.
And clearly you could see that there was a lot of emotions attached to this kind of decision... and for good reason too.
Think about it...
He's put the last 4-years of his life into this offer/business and when he's being advised that it MIGHT be time to let it go, and start new...
It's understandable that YOU might feel the same emotions in that moment too.Probably because you know it's true.
There was a 21-year old there named Jeppe who runs a high-ticket coaching business that helps beginners launch their own agency from scratch and get to $5k/month pretty fast...
And he opened up how he had felt the same way before too...
He explained how he previously had a FB Ads agency for a few years that helped him get started in online business, but made the decision to switch to coaching because he wasn't able to profitably scale the agency past $30k/month without everything breaking...
He said it was one of the toughest decisions he ever had to make because his identity up until that point was attached to his agency.And he didn't want to FEEL like a failure either...
BUT, he had to sit down and admit to himself that the agency he had just wasn't working the way he had hoped that it would...
So he pivoted.
He partnered up with a friend, launched a new coaching business, and in the 2nd month of that business...
Hit $60k/month in revenue!So he literally DOUBLED his all-time record high in revenue, just 2-months after making that decision.
Now am I sharing this to persuade YOU to get rid of your agency and go all in on coaching lmao?No.But I am sharing this to help you see when/why it MIGHT be time to change things up if you're not getting the kind of results you want...
That's what Jeppe did, and that's why now... him and his business partner are at $300k/month!Which just goes to show...If/when you do pivot, you have to go ALL IN...
And say NO to anything, and everything, that's NOT the MAIN thing...
Aka, the ONE thing.
The ONE thing that's going to get you to the level of scale you really want.For me, this has usually been a tough one too...
Having too many things, too many offers, too many options.
Not wanting to say NO and only giving myself ONE option.If you're creative, I know you get this too.
Thankfully this back and forth discussion at the mastermind helped remind me exactly WHY we switched to selling just focusing on selling the 'HYBRID' offer...
And last month?
We hit a record breaking month in our business too!
So I know it's true.
Anyways, that's about it from me this morning.
After I send this to you, I'm heading over to the office to be with the team and plan out Q2!
Reply and let me know which of these 3 takeaways resonated with you...
-Brian 'back from Dubai' Moncada 🥂
Brian Moncada
I went to Will Brown's Dubai Boardroom Mastermind (here's everything I learned from DAY ONE)
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