Jun '23 (edited) in Fun😎
From $500k/month to $1M/month with YouTube Ads (CASE STUDY)
Some people call this client the next Sam Ovens...
And unless you've watched a few of his YouTube videos for yourself you're probably reading that and feeling some type of way...
But after watching a few of his YouTube videos you'll quickly realize that he's actually super smart, and has a real knack for creating/scaling businesses in this info-industry.
His name is Charlie Morgan (plus his amazing partner ), have built and sold a 7-figure agency already and are now the founders of Easy Grow...
An online education business that helps agency owners, coaches, and course creators book an extra 100 calls per month, and close at least 20 high-ticket clients within 180 days OR...
You guessed it lol... OR you don’t pay.
Not only will you not pay, but they'll personally wire you $5,000 and refund you every single penny.
Pretty sick offer right?
Well that's why before working with us Charlie & Baudouin were ALREADY doing $500k/month just from his YouTube channel...
No ads, just YouTube videos!
And after joining WeTube to learn from myself and Sam Ovens, Charlie reached out to work with us and add YouTube Ads.
It's only been 2-months and we're already 2x on cash & 4x on revenue...
Here's the stats:
Adspend: $45,254.91
Cash Collected: $90,000
Total Revenue: $200,000+
Now if you read this and you're like:
"Only 2x on cash? and 4x on revenue? That's it lol...?"
Let me remind you that when it comes to PAID ADS, meaning YOU spending $1 to get your YouTube Ads in front of people who don't know you... and you're making $2 back + $4 after payment plans are collected...
That's pretty damn good lol. And again, it's only been 2-months!
Anyways, don't just take my word for how good that is...
-Brian "Easy Grow" Moncada
Brian Moncada
From $500k/month to $1M/month with YouTube Ads (CASE STUDY)
A community for high-ticket coaches, course creators, and agency owners who want to learn how to scale with YouTube Ads
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