馃槶My list is dead and has no money...
A little over a month ago we came into a client's business and they had one problem (or so they thought)...
The problem was their list was dead and "had no money".
That couldn't have been further from the truth.
The real issue wasn't their list...
It was how they were selling to their list.
They've been using the same sales process for a couple of years.
Webinars on the front-end...
2-3 hour workshops on the backend...
While also using emails to push them to book a call...
All to push the same offer over and over again.
Their list was numb to it.
Which is why they'd get 30% open rates on their emails...
Yet nobody would purchase.
That's when we decided to change 2 things:
  1. The way we were selling to them.
  2. The offer we were selling
For 1 we did this by creating a free 5-day challenge and pushed people to a brand new Facebook group.
Each day the client would record a 20 minute long video following what I call the tip-toe method.
For 2 we created a similar offer to what they were already selling (print-on-demand)...
However we switched the products they were teaching people to sell.
The result?
We had over 500 people join the free challenge...
When we released the VSL for the pitch we had over 60 people submit applications for it...
Out of those 60 applications they sold out all 20 spots of their new 12k offer...
Then we downsold them into 2 different programs:
  • Their original 6k offer
  • A lite version of the 12k offer (removed majority of the done for you stuff)
In just 1 month we did 500k...
All from a list that was "dead" and "had no money".
Now, I want you to think about your own business for a moment.
Are you leaving money on the table without even realizing it?
Could your "dead" list actually be a goldmine of untapped potential?
If you're curious about how much hidden revenue you might be missing out on, I'd love to chat.
I'm offering a free 30-minute strategy session where we'll:
1. Analyze your current sales process
2. Identify potential blind spots in your offer strategy
3. Craft a custom plan to revitalize your list and boost your revenue
Don't let another day go by thinking your list is dead.
Let's uncover the hidden potential in your business and start turning things around.
Looking forward to speaking with you,
Michael Kelly
Founder, Ads and Funnels
P.S. Remember, that "dead" list generated $500k in just one month with the right approach. Imagine what we could do for your business.
Michael Kelly
馃槶My list is dead and has no money...
A community for coaches and course creators who want to learn how to scale their offers.
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