Welcome to BrainBuffet Career Certification Courses Community!
Hi everyone!
Welcome to our group on Skool.com. My name is David Freund and I serve as President of BrainBuffet.com. If you are like me, you are continually looking for opportunities to advance your skillsets. Here at BrainBuffet, we focus on hiring industry leading educators and professionals to develop courseware focused on earning industry certifications.
We are continually updating our curriculum offerings as certification exams and softwares are updated. We call this the "BrainBuffet Evergreen" model which ensures you are receiving updates as aligned with industry certifications.
Here's some helpful information so you can hit the ground running.
#1 - Practice makes perfect. Iteration and time within software is where you will gain profecciency. For example, if you are working towards gaining certification within Adobe Photoshop, we highly suggest you get yourself access to Photoshop on your machine so you can work within the software as follow along with our video tutorials. Take your time and make sure you are fully comfortable with each lesson before moving on to the next as the curriculum builds off of itself in the form of project based learning.
#2 - Set yourself a goal and timeline to get certified. Certification exams will be proctored by Pearson. I recommend setting a timeline for yourself and go ahead and book your exam so you hold yourself accountable to complete the courseware. There are several options for taking the exam which includes going to a Pearson Testing Center or getting a virtual proctoring service so you can take the exam in the comfort of your own home (or on the road if you're more nomadic). I'll be posting more information soon on how to purchase exam vouchers and remote proctoring services.
#3 - Simulated Practice Exams are super helpful. Imagine you can see the formatting and the types of questions before sitting for the real thing. That what our friends and partners over at GMetrix help us with. We've been working with GMetrix and Certiport for over a decade to craftfully design courseware to ensure student success.
#4 - Your journey doesn't end with Certification. I like to think of Certification as the first stop on the train to becoming a creative professional. It proves that you have the knowledge to work within a software / subject area as per industry guidelines. However, if you want to make the big bucks within your industry, you have to demonstrate beyond your certification that you can drive value using the respective technology. That's why continuing your learning by building a strong portfolio of hard skills and demonstrating strong soft skills is key.
#5 - HAVE FUN!! Learning is about exploration and testing yourself. Don't stress and enjoy the journey. As long as you are a little bit better than you were yesterday, you are heading in the right direction. Keep at it and cross train yourself. For example, if you just completed Photoshop consider taking on Adobe Illustrator or Premier to you become a more rounded creative professional.
I'd like to end this post by saying this will be a dynamic community that will continue to evolve. We have a full team behind BrainBuffet that can help answer your questions and receive feedback. My goal is for this community to become a selve serving resource to help creatives and entrepreneurs excel in their personal and professional development.
David Freund
Welcome to BrainBuffet Career Certification Courses Community!
Career Certification Courses
Elevate your career with our comprehensive technical education curriculum. Explore cutting-edge courses tailored to industry demands.
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