๐Ÿค How will you ensure your new hire shares your company's values and vision for the future?
Leila Hormoziโ€™s insights on hiring emphasize the critical need for entrepreneurs to align new team members with their companyโ€™s values and vision. By sharing strategies for evaluating cultural fit and leadership style, she highlights the importance of using personal networks and conducting thorough market research during recruitment. This approach ensures that the selected candidates not only bring the right skills but also resonate with the companyโ€™s ethos. Leveraging structured onboarding programs can further enhance the effectiveness of new hires, paving the way for collaborative and sustained growth.
Now, take a moment to reflect on how you will attract candidates who embody your company's core values. Share your concise thoughts in the comments (25-100 words). Don't forget to engage with your peers by replying to 2 comments and liking 3 others that resonate with you!
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Acquisition University
๐Ÿค How will you ensure your new hire shares your company's values and vision for the future?
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