Good Community V.S. Great Community
What do you think is the main difference between good v.s. great communities?
Based on my experience after launching 20 communities in the last 60 days the #1 key differentiator is the mindset.
Mindset. Boohoo (go away)
But hear this out.
Whatโ€™s the difference between good vs great restaurants?
Good restaurants think they are in the business of food.
They hire great chefs, perfect the food, thatโ€™s pretty much it.
Great restaurants know they are in the business of experience.
They focus on the way the client gets their invitation, the way they get greeted, how the menu is presented, how the butler meets them, and so on.
Itโ€™s like a game that the client enjoys playing and getโ€™s constant dopamine hits from.
The same idea I have observed applies to communities.
Youโ€™re in the business of experience not just information.
Even this message was an experience.
I could write everything in one paragraph and make the experience overwhelming.
I could write this in a style of โ€œexpert viewโ€ and make your guards come up, but I wrote this in a style of โ€œhereโ€™s my experienceโ€ making you connect with the message.
Do you get it?
Great. โ€ฆ
Once you shift your mindset from being in the info space to experience space, you start seeing:
  • People consuming your content more
  • People being more active
  • People referring to more people
  • People staying for longer
What do you think is the main difference between good v.s. great communities?
Jj Kremer
Good Community V.S. Great Community
Hormozi Community
Fan Group for Leila and Alex Hormozi. Curated videos into a Master of Business Acquisition (MBA) at Acquisition University.
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