Kids’ Corner: A Blend of Fun and Focus
Integrating a child-friendly workspace in or near your home office can be a wonderful strategy for keeping your little ones engaged while you concentrate on work tasks.
In our "kids' corner," I stock educational games, puzzles, and art supplies that foster independent play. I like to prepare an activity in advance, especially when I know I’ll need uninterrupted focus time. I explain to them that, unless it’s a real emergency, they should try to play independently for the next 20, 30, or 45 minutes.
This setup does more than just keep them occupied; it also ignites their creativity and teaches them valuable lessons about independence and respect for others' commitments. By providing engaging activities, I show up for them, and by carving out this time, I also fulfill my commitments to my clients.
How have you arranged a play area for your kids within your workspace? What are the essential items in your child’s creative nook that make it both functional and fun?
Educational toys
Craft supplies
Books and puzzles
1 vote
Marianne Suarez Sabugo
Kids’ Corner: A Blend of Fun and Focus
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