Kiddos and Business: Entrepreneurship through play
Introducing children to basic business principles can be both fun and educational.
For example, simple activities like a lemonade stand or a craft project can teach about costs, pricing, and customer service in a very hands-on way.
In our home, we also use board games that simulate business decisions and discussions about money management. Of course it depends on your kid's age. My daughter is 6 years old and I find that she is starting to be very interested in earning and managing her own money and seeing her playing Monopoly is just so interesting!
These activities not only keep them engaged but also creates a sense of curiosity and understanding about what mom (and dad) does and why it matters. It's about building a foundation for future skills and nurturing a entrepreneurial spirit from a young age, especially since school doesn't teach that that much...
Parents, how do you incorporate lessons about entrepreneurship into your children's activities? What games or projects have you found effective in teaching these important concepts?
Marianne Suarez Sabugo
Kiddos and Business: Entrepreneurship through play
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