Big 3 Monday
Happy Monday, Achievers!
There’s nothing like the fresh start of a new week to get those gears turning. Today, I want to hear about your Big 3—those top three goals you’re determined to tackle over the next few days.
Sharing your goals isn’t just about putting them out there—it’s about setting the intention and building momentum. Plus, when you share, you open up the opportunity for support and encouragement from our amazing community.
Whether it’s a work deadline, a personal project, or a habit you’re working to cultivate, let’s get those ambitions up and running!
Here’s how to do it:
  • Think about what you want to achieve this week that will make you feel accomplished.
  • - List your Big 3 in the comments below.
  • - Offer a word of encouragement or advice to a fellow member’s goals.
Poll: How do you stay on track with your weekly goals?
Daily calendar check-ins
Cross off my to-do lists items
Accountability partners
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Marianne Suarez Sabugo
Big 3 Monday
Achieve Hub
An empowering community designed for entrepreneurs, focused on achieving goals through accountability, productivity, and collective support.
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