My start up expereince
I started in February and I'm at about 5k/mo revenue, about 3 profit. It's possible but a lot goes into designing art that blows away your audience. It took me some time to get to know and get the best designs. My target niche is really small but very engaged, with repeat buyers who buy almost anything I put out. It's been a lot of trial and error and a lot of money lost, but it's starting to pay off near the end of month 2
I'm not a designer so I've spent at least $1K in design fees to get the artwork going but if you can do it yourself, you'll have a huge leg up. The biggest thing that worked for me was to go niche.
Ikonick and Inktuitive are big examples of POD stores that sell everything. Most small POD stores can't succeed like that because everyone sells the same generic hustle stuff and there are bigger fish with bigger ad budgets.
Find a niche people spend money in AND you enjoy. See if you could see someone buying some artwork in that niche. That's where you start.
Today I took my kids out all day while they were on spring break, had 2 sales while I was busy with them, and grossed about $400. There's plenty of ways to make a living online and after expenses, I've only reached probably a $15k monthly income, but it's still early, and it gives me freedom my 7-7 desk job never did, not to mention so much upside by November/December.
I wouldn't trade this journey for anything, and I don't say that to brag, but to show that 2 months of nose down to the grindstone, getting your priorities in order, can really start opening doors that are pretty amazing
If I can give you any advice, I'd say don't pump out generic designs. For people to pay a premium for your shirt (or whatever POD product), they need to feel like they NEED it, and they can't get it anywhere else. If they can get same shirt that says Hustle for $6 at Walmart, they won't buy it at some random POD shop for $25. Good luck!
Maelys'N' Devany
My start up expereince
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