Happy with my grow. I have found some reluctance from creators within the 5,000 to 25,000 range, have them actually wanting to repost with you.
That is understandable. The method has been working. I have started following creators smaller than me and reposting it commenting, copying links, ect. To boost them up as well. Telling creator to share all those new vids to me and I do the same to them.
Now this is all organic. I had one post go semi viral within 48 hours of a golf tournament. I was the 4th video on the search. Half my videos have been categorized now as well. Search insights posting is still hit or miss.
Follow, let's go. I might add being a teach as well if I can get this to really start going.
Jarred Preston
@jpccgolfs yt: @Jpcc_golfs
FB: Jarred Preston; vlog my business, sports life, and my journey