We've talking about all of these points individually, but it's time to bring everything together and tell you how to introduce each video to increase the likelihood of it's success.
We'll be adding modules in the courses to the paid community to cover this, but here are the basics:
- Hooks. Audio, visual, text. These are a non-negotiable, in the first couple of seconds you should have included all three.
- Address your audience. If people know it's for them, they're more likely to stick around. The earlier you can tell people who the video is for, the better.
- Get to the point. It shouldn't take 60 seconds for people to understand what the video is about. Within the first 5-10 seconds the overall concept should have been discussed.
- Give them a reason to stick around. A longer watch time will give the video a higher chance of getting pushed out.
Now these are easier said than done, but getting them all done within the first 5-10 seconds is a lot of work. The trick here is to make sure you experiment, and find what works for YOUR style of content.
Also, have fun with it. Not everything has to be so direct. You can do all of this without being robotic & reciting line for line what the syllabus for the video will be.
👋 Tomorrow we'll be telling you what's coming on the FREE and the PAID communities next week. If there's anything you guys would like us to discuss in more depth, please let us know!
Have a great evening folks.