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Group Juice

Private • 240 • $950/y

The Community Collective

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Ghostwriters Anonymous

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Start Writing Online

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Agency Accelerator

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Millionaire Mentorship

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Make Em Beg to Buy

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Follower Conversion Aceletator

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3 contributions to Creation
Hi everyone! Great to be a part of the community here. 🙂 My name's Tom and I'm from a small city in Australia, called Albury. About 90ish thousand people. Nice town. I'm looking to begin studying mental health, addiction, trauma and combine that with nutrition and exercise and how it can all tie together for healing oneself and to move forward in life to be your best. It seems that mental health is at an all time high around the world and there are a shortage of resources for people to access to help them. I've gone (Going) through it myself, as I'm sure some people here have also and I believe that once we overcome something we're better able to help others with similar issues. That's my mission, so I'm learning branding, marketing etc to help me get the message out there to others when the time is right. And what better person to learn from than Mister Frank Kern! Anyway, I hope that you're all well. Take care Tom.
New comment Feb 24
I put something cool in the Classroom section for you today :-)
Since you like mind stuff, I put a 5-part video series I created into the Classroom section and it's called The Path. You can unlock it by getting the "Level 2" in the group ...which to simply get two posts or comments liked. (I'm trying to foster collaboration and community :-) Hope you like it!
New comment 4h ago
7 likes • Dec '23
Mindset is the foundation for success in anything! So many people overlook it or want to skip it all together to get to the more "Sexier" strategies but mindset is a critical fundamental for success.
Morning Routine That Works Pretty Well For Me
I think that the way I start my day makes a really big difference in terms of how my day unfolds. Here's a morning routine that I try to stick to. It actually begins the night before. I try to go to bed relatively early - before 10PM is possible. Before I go to sleep, I like to listen to guided meditations or "sound bath" recordings like this one: Ideally, I like to be up by 5AM. I try to spend an hour or so doing these activities: 1. Listen to positive audiobooks. (Usually 30 minutes while I have coffee - most recent book was The Science Of Getting Rich.) 2. Practice gratitude. (This is maybe 5 minutes or so. Basically prayer.) 3. Review goals. (Nothing fancy here. I have a list of "big picture" goals that I review.) 4. Brain Entrainment. (This is usually a guided meditation from Hemi-Synch or its binaural beats from HoloSynch. 30 mins or so.) During the brain entrainment, I visualize the goals. This process usually produces plenty of ideas for content etc. (In addition to keeping me focused and in a good frame of mind.) I hope this helps as you begin your creation for week 1 :-)
New comment Mar '23
Morning Routine That Works Pretty Well For Me
0 likes • Mar '23
Meditation and visualisation are great. Dr Joe Dispenza has some great material. Most awesome!
1-3 of 3
Tom Peric
6points to level up
Building my Affiliate biz to 5 Figures in the next 6 months.

Active 52d ago
Joined Mar 2, 2023
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