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Mohr Natural

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5 contributions to Mohr Natural
What does “ PRODUCT OF USA” mean?
Know what you’re buying. This picture has store beef(right), and farm beef(left). There is an obvious visible difference between the two but the differences don’t stop there! 1. You may notice the color difference in the picture. The store bought is pumped full of additives and preservatives, including propyl gallate, to protect against spoilage due to long term air exposure. 2. There isn’t a guarantee of where that beef came from, OR how many cows are in it. Yes, it may have the USDA label on it but as long as that animal was packaged in the US, it can be called a Product of the USA. And yes, the meat in the right package is not from one single cow, rather scraps from multiple cows. It may have come from Argentina, Canada, or Brazil. 3. The beef on the left is fresher, darker and is farm raised beef. It is filled with more nutrients & flavor. The ground is also from one cow and not just low quality scraps from multiple cows. Buy from a local farm
New comment Jun 27
What does “ PRODUCT OF USA” mean?
4 likes • Jun 27
Thank you for sharing. I grew up on a beef and tobacco farm in the rolling hills of Northern Kentucky. For the longest time we processed our own beef and I can tell you there was nothing but pure beef in the packaging. No hormone shots, no antibiotics just pure beef. Grass fed beef is the best! I agree with @Renee Mohr Find a local farmer to support. If a side of beef is too much for your freezer, find a friend to go in 1/2. ❤️
Do you really still believe our ABC’s?
How often have we heard recalls happening from FDA, AMA, USDA, etc? Take the time to go on your own journey. Take the time you need to make your own food, grow your food, & step back to simpler times. Your worth it.
New comment Jun 25
Do you really still believe our ABC’s?
1 like • Jun 25
“Simpler times” never sounded so good! Oh how I crave those simple times growing up on the farm.
Natural Remedies
I will be posting natural remedies to use each season. My first one is a bug repellent. Herbal Amor is the only bug spray which has worked for me. I attract bugs like crazy!
New comment Jun 14
Natural Remedies
0 likes • Jun 14
Oh my goodness! I can relate!! I’m interested in learning more.
A Few Natural Solutions
15 Natural Antibiotic Alternatives 1. Garlic- a broad-spectrum antibiotic, meaning it’s effective against a wide range of disease-causing bacteria… Garlic shows promise against two of the three most dangerous bacterial infections (christened nightmare superbugs by the CDC): Antibiotic resistant gonorrhea and MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, commonly found in hospitals where there has the potential to weaken those whose immune systems are already compromised. It can help prevent food poisoning by killing E. coli and salmonella. And it is also shown to boost immunity, helping fight off bacterial infections. There are many reasons we call garlic “miraculous.” 2. Goldenseal - A common winter infection—sinus infections—are treatable with goldenseal. Goldenseal contains “berberine,” which has been shown to inhibit the adherence of bacteria to human cells, so they cannot infect the cells. It is also thought to be effective in treating strep throat, diarrhea, gum disease, and pneumonia. 3. Licorice- licorice root contains “glycyrrhizic acid,” which has been shown to treat and soothe respiratory problems like bronchitis, usually in the form of cough drops and syrup, and also arthritis. 4. Echinacea - The purple coneflower is pretty to grow in your garden and can be made into a tea, extract, juice, powder, or cream for treating a number of infections. There have been more than 300 scientific investigations on the immune-enhancing effects of Echinacea—one of the most popular herbs in the treatment of the common cold. Paired with goldenseal, Echinacea helps knock out strep throat. It has also been used to treat a range of problems from skin wounds to dizziness. 5. Aloe Vera- Perhaps you’ve already experienced the skin-soothing wonder of aloe vera gel. But beyond its ability to soothe damaged skin, aloe vera has been shown effective in the treatment of gum disease, hypertension, angioedema (rapid swelling from trauma or allergies), asthma, Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis, diabetes, peptic ulcer, and other skin issues, such as psoriasis, Seborrheic Dermatitis, plaques from the shingles virus, and cuts and scrapes. It’s ability to “inhibit the production of reactive oxygen metabolites and inflammatory mediators by human colon epithelial cells” makes it effective in treating the symptoms of Crohn’s Disease—a particularly uncomfortable and often untreatable disease. It can also help relieve asthma symptoms in sufferers who are not dependent on corticosteroids.
New comment Jun 7
A Few Natural Solutions
3 likes • May 28
Thank you for sharing! I LOVE natural solutions! We did fermented raw honey-garlic for winter colds this past winter. I used it daily to ward off sickness. My husband on the other hand only took it out of desperation after acquiring a cold. It shortened his cold, AND I did not get sick.
1 like • Jun 7
@Lynn Hart it’s so simple! The basic recipe is 2-4 heads of garlic peeled and lightly crushed. Place in glass jar with a tight fitting non metal lid. Cover garlic with raw honey (we use local raw honey which also reduces our allergies). I fill the jar 3/4 full of honey over the garlic. Place in a dark area and turn jar at least once a day for the first week, and then every couple days. (I keep mine in the pantry) It takes about 5 weeks to ferment, but you can get benefits from taking it week two and on. IMPORTANT: Only use a plastic or wooden spoon as metal will kill enzymes in honey. I’m not a huge garlic fan but once it ferments the garlic is not overly potent. That is the basic recipe that my husband will use. For mine I add grated turmeric, ginger, cayenne pepper and black ground pepper (piperine may enhance curcumin absorption in the body by up to 2,000%)
Welcome Everyone! Start Here.
WELCOME! Introduce Yourself! (Start Here - Please Read 👀)🥑 🍎🐔❤️🙏 We're so glad you're here! We know you will just LOVE this community! Feel free to introduce yourself below. Here's a format you can follow if you wish: 1. Where you are from! 2. Tell us why you joined this community? 3. What are your biggest health challenges you are facing?
New comment 3d ago
5 likes • May 26
Hello, Stacey Daley residing in Smyrna, GA (From a farm in Northern KY) I am a certified mental health coach and joined this community to learn and in turn help others. Trying to focus on a holistic approach to healing mind, body and spirit.
4 likes • May 27
@Renee Mohr Hi there, thank you for asking. As a certified Christian mental health coach I work with women who have experienced trauma, anxiety, depression, or perhaps are in a temporary life struggle. I establish a baseline and offer a six week program to encourage and offer tools to lead them to a healthier version of themselves. (I refer clients on to professional medical services if their situation requires immediate attention.) I am currently acquiring certification in the youth and geriatrics field as well.
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Stacey Daley
2points to level up
Certified Faith Based Mental Health Coach with a focus on Women & Children and Geriatrics using a Holistic approach; Spirit, Mind, Body, Nutrition.

Active 24d ago
Joined May 25, 2024
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