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Facilitator Club

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6 contributions to Facilitator Club
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Hey facilitator community. I am working on two specific topics for my clients. One is helping them to find employees and the other one is bringing presentation skills to another Level. I would like to Focus on one of these. Finding employees seems to be more urgent, for presentation I see a bigger target group. What is your experience?
8 members have voted
New comment May 20
0 likes • May 16
@Oluwaseun Akappo I see both problems in companys all over - from Start-Up to big groups. But I am only one Person. So I am looking for the First step - perhaps as a door opener.
1 like • May 17
@Kiran Chauhan I love this idea!
Behavioral Styles Workshop excersises
Dear Community I am planning a workshop around behavioral styles and looking for some fun and engaging exercises to do with the participants around that topic (ca.20 leaders) . The important part is the external view, as in, how do others perceive us in terms of our behavioral style. Which category of 4 different behavioral styles (similar to the DISC) would others place us in. Maybe I will find some inspiration here :) Thank you all!
New comment Jul 3
0 likes • May 15
Hey Yaara, I love to work with the Four animals more than the colours. What is your Intention? Should they work out the different perspectives or the handling of the different behaviors?
My new adventure - training educators & facilitators in LEGO® Serious Play® methods
I'm in Vietnam at the moment, and am now preparing to move into training and certifying educators, trainers and facilitators in LEGO® Serious Play® methods. It wasn't what I planned on doing when I arrived, but due to a turn of events, I'm in the midst of preparing for this, and there seems to be a lot of interest. I'm bringing a master trainer in from Australia, who is training me to be a trainer of facilitators. If there is anyone in South East Asia who would like to come and join myself and Michael Fearne in this adventure, reach out. I'll be posting some videos introducing the method on LinkedIn over the next couple of weeks. Some details about the training is here:
New comment May 15
1 like • May 14
I love LSP especially for vision building in a Design Sprint or for Building a Team strategy.
Anyone like some free Executive Coaching?
I’m currently training to be an executive coach as I believe it will give me a complementary set of skills for the work I do as a facilitator. As part of my training I need to log a certain number of practice hours and so I’m looking for people who might be willing to try being coached…for free! A few details for anyone who might be interested: I am still in training, and won’t qualify officially for a few more months, but I am being taught by a very reputable coaching institution The offer is for 2 or 3 hour long coaching sessions, conducted virtually, where we can discuss and explore any career goals you have and what steps you might need to take to achieve them It doesn’t have to be about your facilitation career, but given this forum I’m expecting that’s what you might want to discuss There is absolutely no charge If you’re interested, please like this post and I’ll message you to set up some time to discuss things in a bit more detail, Thank you!
New comment May 16
0 likes • Apr 30
If you are still looking for participants I am interested.
BMC for Mapping
Hey, I often stumble with Mapping in a Design Sprint especially when the topic is strategy or Business Development. I am thinking of using the Business Model Canvas for the Mapping. Voting and Zoom in when needed is possible. Someone used it before or has other ideas? Thanks a lot and a great facilitor greeting.
New comment May 1
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Sebastian Sterz
4points to level up
Facilitation, Design Thinking, Design Sprint

Active 107d ago
Joined Jan 19, 2023
Germany, Andernach
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