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Self-Defense for people who want to use their brain before fighting.



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PackageSell Select

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5 contributions to PackageSell
Welcome 🎉- Introduce Yourself
Welcome to PackageSell 🥳 I'm honored you chose to join us! Don't forget to introduce yourself to the group and share your community and income goals. Let's Grow 😁🚀💰
New comment 8d ago
Welcome 🎉- Introduce Yourself
0 likes • Jul 20
@Leisa Anderson Lisa, what you have going is a great idea and needed. I'm sure it will workout for you well.
1 like • 14d
Sounds like a great resume to start what are wanting to do. What you are about to do takes focus, determinations, and time. Yes, you have come to the correct place.
What Are You Refusing to Do?
What’s one thing you KNOW you should be doing for your business, but haven’t started yet? Sometimes, we already know what to do and have done lots of research. We know we need to do this, this and this. More importantly , we believe it will probably move the needle in the right direction to get us what we want. But for some reason, we just ✨don’t✨ do it. For example, maybe you know you should be posting on social media every day, but you just don’t. Why not? I’m curious if you know what that thing is for you, and bonus points if you know why you haven’t done it yet. 👇 Share your thoughts below! (Disclaimer: I won’t make you do it, and I don’t have anything to sell. Just really curious. Your insights might help someone else take that necessary action to change their group.)
New comment 18d ago
What Are You Refusing to Do?
1 like • 18d
Talking to my perfect customer. I keep changing up the way I talk on my videos in a effort to get them curious.
Watch 👀 THIS video FIRST (on 1.5x to save time)
Take the time to watch this video and truly understand the power of what you can accomplish with this platform. If you love numbers and are analytical, you’ll probably geek out on this! PRO TIP: Watch it on 1.25 or 1.5x speed to save time. Let me know what you think 🤔
New comment 21d ago
Watch 👀 THIS video FIRST (on 1.5x to save time)
1 like • Jun 5
Great stuff. I learned more just listening to the video.
When You Have a List of Ideas
Consider this strategy when you have a list of ideas you're trying to pursue and goals you're trying to accomplish. Multi-tasking (for me) was a lie. To do quality work it's about one thing at a time. My current favorite saying is the old Chinese proverb. "He who chases two rabbits catches none." You can only focus on one idea at a time. Eliminate all but the most important one. Minimalistic thinking has made a huge difference for me and I believe it will for you too because you can compound your progress. Let me know your thoughts below, even if you disagree.
New comment May 2
When You Have a List of Ideas
2 likes • May 2
I learned many years ago multi-tasking was a lie for me also. I have enough problems getting one task to completion without more problems. Some time I will put a task to the side to complete later. To me tasks and goals are different things.
🚨 POLL: Biggest Fear About Selling Advice?
Hello PackageSell Family! 🌟 In our shared adventure of entrepreneurship within the PackageSell community, I'm eager to engage with the collective wisdom of our incredible members. It's natural to experience uncertainty and apprehension on this path, and that's perfectly fine. By understanding these concerns, we can craft more effective content, courses, and support mechanisms to help you master them. So, let's have an honest conversation: What is your greatest fear in the realm of entrepreneurship? Your insights will be crucial in shaping our resources to meet your specific needs. Together, let's face and conquer these challenges! 💪 Please share your thoughts in the poll below, or if your particular fear isn’t listed, feel free to discuss it in the comments. Your perspective is incredibly important to us! Use the Poll Questions below to give us your feedback. Remember, in the PackageSell community, recognizing each fear is a significant stride towards overcoming it. United, we can turn these fears into foundations for our success. Here’s to a journey without fear, -Chuck P.S.: Don’t forget to participate in the poll and share your strategies for tackling these fears.
4 members have voted
New comment Feb 18
1 like • Feb 18
Fear of Failure is not my problem. Failed more than I have succeeded in business.
1-5 of 5
Rusty Solomon
4points to level up
Instructor of martial arts and self-defense training. Over 50 years teaching people of all ages.

Active 2h ago
Joined Feb 18, 2024
Florida, 33573
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