Do you think a lot? I've heard a lot of people say they love thinking but very few who actually write about these thoughts. The thing is, people don't realize how precious these thoughts really are, they're often lost in our mind and forever forgotten but that's not fair, these thoughts could live forever. I never considered myself to be much of a writer but after joining this community a few months ago, I started to write small posts here. I didn't really have a lot of people who likes my writing, I still don't have a huge following but I love writing now and the memories writing has kept, the news Ideas I've seen through them and the people I've met through these are really amazing. I do recommend every thinker to start writing no matter how little impact it may have. December is usually the most peaceful time of the year for me, I'm done with finals and I have a lot of time on hand. I am a huge overthinker, I love thinking about the smallest of things and I love getting lost in my thoughts. It's 2 AM right now but my mind is still thinking. Sometimes I put these thoughts on a paper or type it out to keep them, today was one such night, I typed it out on my newsletter and here I am, 2 am, not an ounce of sleep, just admiring my thoughts. It's nothing fancy, it's just about crying, something we all do every so often, if you love thinking as well, you can read my thoughts today from the link below. Link: