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MSK Radiology School

Public • 796 • Free

33 contributions to MSK Radiology School
Temporary Closure of MSK Radiology School
Chris here I analysed this free skool. I decided to temporarily close it. The reason is a push of my self to simplify work and life and spend time where I have more impact. Making everything smoother and more efficient. This skool project did not really have a clearly defined purpose and this is also shown in the activity. There is bit of a confusion here about what to do and what not to do. In the last 30 days, 24% of members were active here. For comparison, in the Virtual fellowship skool, monthly activity ranges between 61- over 80%. It was a bit of an experiment in terms of organic outreach (in case you are interested). Didnt work. I will use many of the videos and push them on parteon and youtube. I think you will still be able to watch the content, but not posting new stuff. My focus will go more into new YouTube videos as I have more fun being creative there and also the Virtual MSK Fellowship, where I can help radiologists the most (see for yourself) I have some ideas for future use of this skool, but time does not permit it at the moment. To stay in touch, subscribe to my youtube channel and also submit your email address here (you need to lick on *watch free training*. thanks for trying this out bw chris
New comment May 9
Temporary Closure of MSK Radiology School
4 likes • Apr 29
It is sad and disappointing news I think it is better not to do this and reconsider 🌷 Apart from the low participation of colleagues and radiology specialists, in my opinion, this group is a virtual gathering of radiology specialists from all over the world and the transfer of scientific cases ,experiences , in addition to main purpose meaning @Christoph Agten tips and scientific training, and I think gathering this group and this number of experts is valuable. The fact that friends, colleagues and doctors from all over the world contribute their valuable experiences in this group is also the result of your efforts @Christoph Agten , and turning off this group will cause the separation of many colleagues.
Top 10 MSK Review Articles with video commentary
Hi all i made a little homepage where you can opt in with your email address to download my top 10 MSK review articles, with video commentary. However, I have a favor to ask: I do it this way because I changed my email provider and many emails land in spam, so I need your help: please do these steps: 1. go to 2. Request the top 10 review article PDF by entering your email 3. you will get 1 email that looks like in the image below. it might end up in spam 4. if its in your spam folder: Please mark it as NOT SPAM 5. in either case, please reply to the email with "thanks chris" or something similar 6. in either case please add also to your contact list, as this helps me to make my email address as safe for future email broadcasts in my newsletter. 7. The more people do this, then the email providers like outlook and gmail, hotmail etc, will recognize me as a safe email sender and not mark all my emails as spam. Please reply to this post to complete this action :) thank you for your cooperation and help! it means a lot to me. Chris
Complete action
New comment May 10
Top 10 MSK Review Articles with video commentary
0 likes • Apr 13
Great thanks @Christoph Agten Well done
I made it ... just in time
It was quite a task but I made it. ​At the beginning of 2024, I had this idea. An idea so powerful and crazy, that I was a bit afraid of doing it, to be honest. Well, I had this idea for a long time, but at new years eve I finally decided to take action and started working on it in January, while teleradiology business was calm. And here is a little trick I didn't just started working on it secretly, I told everybody that I am doing it! Why? Because that creates commitment and accountability. It is a great trick for many things if you suffer from procrastinating. So I told everybody in March I will bring this idea to life. I wanted to teach people how to report knee MRI in under 5 minutes. 5min! I had only 8 weeks to do everything from scratch. The first few weeks I was building out the script and outline. Good! I was investing in new equipment to film, new lights, new backdrop, new background lights etc. That is nice, and it took me way to long lol. I prepared all the PowerPoint slides and structure to film etc. By the time it was February, I had all the equipment, I tested it, but haven't filmed a single minute of content yet 😯 However, people were already purchasing the 5min knee MRI masterclass. I was getting more and more nervous. What If I don't finish in time? There was always something else to do (mainly family and teleradiology). So I made some changes to my schedule to get a full day of filming and bäm... 50% was recorded in one single day and I finished week 1 of the training after editing and uploading the course material to the platform in the same week the course launched. I was ready to launch, phew... So when week 1 launched on March 1st, I did not yet have the other 4 weeks ready. In a big push and another whole day of filming, editing and 2 more days of uploading and creating the other weeks, I managed to finish the full course this week (while students are still working through week 1). And I am really happy to see what this first cohort of 45 radiologists will achieve with the training, more on this in the upcoming weeks.
New comment Mar 10
I made it ... just in time
3 likes • Mar 7
Hello @Christoph Agten , I have personally learned a lot of practical tips from you since I have been following your clips in the media(years ago)until now that you have reached this stage of forming an advanced educational community in the field of MSK, especially considering this point that in addition to facilitating learning, the efficiency and speed of reporting should also be increased, and I personally believe that this path and training techniques are very necessary and practical, especially for colleagues who have just entered this field and you have been very successful in advancing this path so far 🥇
dynamic MR Angiography with MIPs (synovitis maps)
I like doing dynamic MR angiography i rheumatology imaging. even if we see most of it on the post contrast series, it gives a nice and easy overview, especially for the clinicians
New comment Feb 14
dynamic MR Angiography with MIPs (synovitis maps)
1 like • Feb 14
Great idea 🥇,well done @Christoph Agten ,here is the full text
0 likes • Feb 14
@Yun Yee Chow here is full text
Tip of the day: hypoperfusion artefakt in muscle
on 3t scanners with fast acquisition we can sometimes see these hypoperfusions, especially in shoulder MRI after Gadolinium. nothing is seen on PD T2 STIR etc, only post KM, indication higher pressure on tissue from positioning, coil padding or even subacromial space (might indicate risk of subacromial impingement (just an idea, no evidence). For more tips and tricks, check out our free skool community, with free lectures and quizzes etc -Chris
New comment Apr 3
Tip of the day: hypoperfusion artefakt in muscle
0 likes • Jan 19
Interesting, useful and new point for me. Thank you very much🥇
1-10 of 33
Mohammad ali Kavianpour
69points to level up
Radiologist M.D Researcher

Active 88d ago
Joined Dec 14, 2022
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