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2 contributions to Intentional Men
We Are Children Growing Old
We all reach a certain age of awareness. There is no particular set age for it. Sometimes, it comes unbeckoned in many different cases. It won't be the elephant in the room type experience. It is like age itself. It sneaks up on you over time. We go through a continuous cycle of change—some for the good and some for the bad. The first awareness comes when we are young and still brand new. We quickly discover that to get attention, a good old-fashioned temper tantrum renders impressive results. We find that screaming like a wounded animal always gets the quickest response. We all have our personal and unique delivery system as we blurt out gibberish. It is a baby's brand and style of speaking in tongues. It must be somewhat spiritual since we always say "Hallelujah" or Thank you, God" when the screaming stops. We claim our independence and our rage in different ways. For example, the true mark of a child's rebellion is telling our parents "no." We cannot ponder the consequences of doing such a thing, so we do it. It is that urgency to tell someone off regardless of their position of authority or the pecking order of controlled chaos. But we outgrow all of that, don't we? The short answer is no, we don't. We still take temper tantrums. When is the last time you cursed or threw something across the room? We have given these emotional outbursts names and placed them in categories. Road rage, a middle finger salute, cussing someone until they are black and blue. The categories of expression are endless. However, do not worry; man has created a pill to help us suppress those things. Things have changed over the years. Webster would have non-stop anxiety attacks if you could see how we have twisted words and their definitions. The phrase I just mentioned is a good example. People used to have "nervous breakdowns". We must have cured that one since you never hear that expression nowadays. Now we have panic or anxiety attacks. When I was a kid, you used to ask your grandparents, "How are you feeling today"? Their typical response, if they were feeling well, would be, "I feel rather gay today, and you?" Or if they saw you do something less than intelligent, they would often remark, "That boy has lost his ball in some high weeds."The whole point is that we are children growing old, as I pointed out some time ago in a poem I wrote called "Tears". May your later years be greater than your former! Whatever your dreams are, it’s not too late. Keep pursuing them with great zeal and anticipation. J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan includes the quote, "Even though you want to try to, never grow up".
New comment Sep 22
We Are Children Growing Old
0 likes • Sep 22
Hello Antonio. What I have stated here has confused you. The upper lesson is that the rebellion we feel when we are only little children is not learned behavior. It is within us. This can be witnessed in little toddlers who get mad or don't get their way or something they want. They will rebel. They haven't learned to speak most of the time, so they throw a fit of anger. Remember, rebellion started in heaven with Satan, who is the father of it, just as he is the father of sin and all liars. Read Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekiel 28:12-19 and Revelation 12:7-10. After you read these, you will discover how perfect God made him in every way, yet he rebelled against God. He was so convincing and deceitful a third of heaven went to war against God with him. Of course, Michael the archangel and the other two-thirds of heaven defeated them. Although they beat him and those who followed his ways of disobedience, it took God, who created all of them, to cast them out of heaven. As we age, many people still refuse to serve the Lord, and they walk in disobedience to their heavenly father.
(Take 1 min to read this entire post so you know how to UNLOCK all our resources) First of all... So awesome that you found your way here... to one of the top FREE Skool Communities for Christian business owners, high-achieving men, who are ready to take control of their integrity and make an impact in this world by living out their God-given potential... In case we have never met you should probably know that over the last few years: 🔥 Helped more than 100+ men & counting recreate their lives and quit vices 🔥 Coached and trained men in various walks of life - from dentists, to laywers, to realtors, to pastors, to entrepreneurs 🔥 And today, we routinely help Christian professionals hit their first week, month or year without lust & anger using the Freedom Framework. Our goal is to make this free community better than the last year of therapy, counseling, or marriage conference that you bought, and that means that we have some high standards and are building a community of people who actually engage, support, share, contribute and grow together. We regularly... 1️⃣ Clear out members who are not active or engaged 2️⃣ Decline about 30% of people who request to join our community 3️⃣ Delete posts that are low value or quality So welcome to the community and thank you for being a contribution and participating. Your results are not going to come from watching our content...they are going to come from engaging, asking questions and TAKING ACTION!! In order to UNLOCK the Courses & Resources in our vault you need to take 3 Initial Action Steps. ✅ Step #1) COMMENT UNLOCK ON THIS POST ✅ Step #2) FOLLOW DENIS ON INSTAGRAM ✅ Step #3) INTRODUCE YOURSELF ON THIS POST (You'll get an email after taking step #3 - click the button in that email for access to everything) WELCOME TO THE INTENTIONAL MEN COMMUNITY. Take those first 3 action steps, unlock the challenge and your Renew the Mind Training.
New comment 11d ago
0 likes • Sep 20
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Mark Grubb
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I am a best selling author with a ministry possessing great respect and appreciation of human life and the freedom to be adventurous.

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