$1,035,987.93 in 1 Year on Skool... 12 Lessons From The Last 12 Months
12 months ago (August 2023), I made this post where I broke down how my Skool community went from 0 to 100k in 20 days. $1,035,987.93 later, … Here are 12 things I’ve learned from 12 months using Skool… #1) TTV (time to value) makes or breaks LTV (lifetime value) The quicker you can get each new member a win, the longer they’ll stay. We noticed that our members who, on day 1 or 2 after paying us, share this one specific template on their social media and to their email list… …They stay on average 60-90 days longer than those who wait until day 3 or later. Now, when someone pays us, we even send that one template to them via email so they don’t even have to enter the classroom to get it, and we tell them to share it before anything else. Figure out what your “quick win” is, and your profit margins will thank you later! #2) Less is more When I interviewed Sam (the interview is here) about running a successful community a year ago… I didn’t “get it” when he told me “less is more,” for communities. After all, my team and I had been offering bespoke consulting and coaching for the best part of a decade. But after doing an 80/20 analysis on the components of our offers and looking at what really drives member and client results… 20% of the “stuff” = 80% of the results. When we cut all the stuff that they weren’t using to get results, guess what happened? Our members were GRATEFUL and thanked us for always helping them more and more to drive the core desired results they’d come to us for. Trim the fat and your members will be less overwhelmed… And they’ll commit fully to the small actions they must take to win. #3) Skool needs to add different payment plan options. -Annual -Pay for the year in 2 payments -Pay for the year in 3 payments -Weekly -And then the current monthly billing (But change it to every 4 weeks so we get that extra payment cycle each year, c’mon… we all learned that one from you Hormozi!)