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FTP Community

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Conscious BusinessAccelerator

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Conscious Business Accelerator

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The Spiritual Business Owners

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High Vibe Tribe

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Conscious Business Accelerator

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11 contributions to FTP Community
BEST Type of Job... (When Building Your Business)
The best type of job to have when you're creating your online business... As far as working a normal job, while building your business... You might be asking yourself... Is the answer no job at all? So I can put ALL of my energy into my passion? Or is it smart to maintain a "good" job so I am financially supported during the transition? Of course, everyone is different but neither of those two is ideal. The best type of job one can have as you're building your business is one that requires as little "bandwidth" as possible, even if that means less pay... (and it normally does) It's great to be able to pay your bills so you aren't under constant pressure. But it's important that you have gas in your tank each day to create your business. Many times "good jobs" work you LONG hours and are very HIGH stress, leaving you stuck, with no time or energy to make a change. Another scenario I see a lot is... Some people feel like they're not really committing if they have any type of job. BUT trust me from personal experience, it's not fun when you are unable to pay your bills. You then create your business from a place of NEED, desperation, not creative passion. So what to do in your exact shoes? Maybe your situation is unique, it probably is, life isn't this simple. Luckily, when it comes to a passion project we all benefit from the tremendous support of our inner guidance system. The next right move will present itself through gut feelings, synchronicity, and your inner knowing. THAT is what we always recommend taking guidance from, not us, not these messages, but yourself!
New comment May '23
2 likes • Apr '23
Thank you Victor for sharing this - such a deep wisdom and important to note 💗 Holding focus on what is important is vital - and it is true that pressure on basic income can have it´s effects on how the message on own service work is delivered. The work that does not take the full focus and energy is good option while building - or that it is something that you enjoy doing and are learning new skills at - different ways to working with it and yes - GUIDANCE is such a beautiful way to roll with it. The synchronicities show up in miraculous ways when we´re open for it 💗 Does someone have recommendations on international online income streams or businesses that hold good vibes and energy - all while building own work and visibility in the magical shamanic healing field? I am also looking for live locations to do in person work - Retreat centers, healing spaces and resorts in warm locations - does someone know people who are looking for a shamanic healer to help holding the space? Lots of love xx
Follow each other on YouTube?
Hey, everyone. Do you want to follow each other on YouTube? Here is a link to my channel, and if you list yours below, we can all follow you. Peace and success…❤️
New comment Apr '23
0 likes • Feb '23
@Kaylee Johnson 💗
0 likes • Feb '23
@Kathleen Bell Thank you - yes indeed! Time is also such a fascinating thing 🙏 Different things work at different times as well 🌱
#Welcome Pre-Session Q&A For some reason I was guided to watch this - yet the recording is not working and other one's are 🤔 Is the video available elsewhere? Lots of love to your day xx
New comment Feb '23
1 like • Feb '23
@Verena B alright, then it's clear 🙏Thank you for reply - I wish you a beautiful day ❤
Hey there! My name is Kristiina and I'm from Finland 🌿 I'm a Shamanic Channel & Transformational Coach The intention here for the challenge and beyond for the year 2023 is now open the work internationally for clients to serve and become visible in what I do & also to clarify the course and offerings that are coming through. It's time for all of us to rise ✨ Ps. I just created & set up this Youtube Channel by uploading this as a first video ever! Feel free to join the journey! With love xx
New comment Feb '23
1 like • Feb '23
@Rachel Finocchario BEAUTIFUL, thank you! Yes! It´s time to shine 💗
0 likes • Feb '23
@Hazim tevfik Katircioglu Thank you - more fascinating explorations coming up 💗
I have a YouTube channel now?
I wasn’t planning on posting this but felt I might as well push myself even when it’s scary. Then did myself one better I am with a YouTube channel now lol. Maybe it was my push to do YouTube videos I never imagined I could do. First feeling was nervous but as I started talking I felt more comfortable. I’ve always been insecure about my voice. But here’s to making weaknesses my super power.💜 Next time I’ll record with my phone sideways and better lighting 😅
New comment Feb '23
I have a YouTube channel now?
2 likes • Feb '23
The level of real & authentic beautiful expression is amazing - shine on! So much love 💗
1-10 of 11
Kristiina Laaksonen
27points to level up
Transformational Coaching & Working With Energetics // Explorer of the world, nature lover & creative soul. ~You are the Medicine 🌿

Active 19d ago
Joined Feb 2, 2023
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