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Mohr Natural

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New comment 3d ago
4 likes • Jun 2
@Renee Mohr - thanks for adding me to this group! I'm a functional genetic analyst. As a functional genetic analyst, I can take the raw data from a DNA test (like 23 and Me or Ancestry DNA) and analyze it to tell a person so many things about his/her health! Areas I look at include: iron/copper dysregulation, phase 1 and 2 liver detox, antioxidant production, neurotransmitter health, hormone metabolism, krebs cycle function, nutrient metabolism, mitochondrial health, histamine and glutamate metabolism, gluten/dairy tolerability, methylation (MTHFR etc), NRF2 pathway health and so much more! For those that are at their wits-end regarding their health, having gone from doctor to doctor without getting to the root, this could be the step they have missed. And for those that generally feel healthy but want to optimize their health, functional genetics is also a great step toward doing just that. Functional Genetic/Genomic DNA testing and analysis allows people to find hidden clues to their health and can give one the building blocks they need for optimal health. Using the raw data of one's genetic test results, one will be able to identify various genetic weaknesses that may contribute to less than optimal detox, altered nutrient absorption and other concerns. It truly is an important key for optimal health! In terms of how I got into the field, I was at one point diagnosed with lupus. The rheumatologist wanted me on Hydroxychloroquine and I said no. So, I continued to deal with symptoms. I then had my first kiddo (this was over 13 years ago) and had horrible postpartum anxiety and insomnia out of the blue. I had never had mental health issues before that so it totally blindsided me and it was quite severe. All of this lead me to discover functional genetics and I ended up getting to the root of the autoimmune issue and have received a clean bill of health from rheumatology years ago! All my labs normalized! And then I didn’t have postpartum issues after my third child either which felt miraculous! I’ve had my own business for over 7 years now and have my certification. I feel like I’ve learned the most from working with hundreds of clients and all their different needs! I love what I do and especially love working with women with underlying autoimmune issues, hormonal issues or mental health struggles (especially sleep!).
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Jessica Harmatys
1point to level up
Functional genetic analyst

Active 117d ago
Joined May 29, 2024
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