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11 contributions to MSK Radiology School
Yayyy new video
New comment May 3
Yayyy new video
1 like • Apr 30
"Full-Body Scans for the People"
These scanners look beautiful. I hope they have Spotify. Thoughts on the future of preventative diagnostic imaging? Link to and extract from the NYT article below 👇 Daniel Ek’s Next Act: Full-Body Scans for the People "The company says its full-body scans can detect the onset of a host of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, as well as skin conditions. It calls its scans, which cost about $230, or 2,500 Swedish krona, “a health check for your future self.” Whole-body scans have been around for a while. But they have taken off in recent years thanks to artificial intelligence and social media. Kim Kardashian helped put one buzzy rival, Prenuvo, on the map last summer when she referred to its M.R.I. scanner as a “life saving machine” in an Instagram post. Another, the New York-based Ezra, announced in February that it had raised $21 million to help it expand to 20 North American cities by year-end. Despite the boom in interest, medical professionals say proactive screening technologies have yet to prove that they can achieve better outcomes for patient health or longevity. And the verdict is still out on the business model."
3 members have voted
New comment Apr 30
"Full-Body Scans for the People"
1 like • Apr 30
Fascinating discussion of the vogue for celebrities promoting full body MRIs and the like here: (I love the headline, "full body scam" lol)
Free Live Q&A session for all - Focus Shoulder MRI April 25, 2024
Hi all I will host a free Q&A session for all members of the MSK RADIOLOGY SCHOOL, where you can bring your own shoulder MRI cases to the session to discuss with me. Event Time / Date: - Prague (CEST): 7:00 PM (Central European Summer Time) - Berlin (CEST): 7:00 PM (Central European Summer Time) - London (BST): 6:00 PM (British Summer Time) - New York (EDT): 1:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time) - Los Angeles (PDT): 10:00 AM (Pacific Daylight Time) - Sao Paolo (BRT): 4:00 PM (Brasília Time) - Sydney (AEST): 4:00 AM (April 26th) (Australian Eastern Standard Time) - New Delhi (IST): 11:30 PM (Indian Standard Time) - Abu Dhabi (GST): 9:00 PM (Gulf Standard Time) Here is how it works: ❇️Who can join? You can join with you have an account here on MSK radiology school. If you can't make it live, you can watch the stream on youtube at a later stage. ❇️Who can bring MRI cases to discuss? Everybody with an account here on skool! ❇️How to bring your MR cases to the session? 1. Go to and create a free account. You can do this already now, as it might take a couple of days to get approved. I will only take cases from there, because they are anonymized automatically. 2. Once you are approved, upload ONE of shoulder MRI where you have ANY question about it to with the link being available for everybody. 3. Post your case, clinical information and your specific question about the case here in this Case Collection Post 4. If you need help with uploading cases, let me know here in this post 👇 ❇️Which cases will I discuss in the live session? Only cases from people who are live in the call with me (so add it to you calendar). If there are too many cases to discuss, I make a selection of cases, e.g. those with the most "likes" in the Case collection post
New comment Apr 26
Free Live Q&A session for all - Focus Shoulder MRI April 25, 2024
2 likes • Mar 29
Poetic description of medical imaging
I came across this description in a 1997 review of a book about medical imaging in the 20th century: "The outputs from the new imaging machines are processed by the same kind of software and displayed on the same kind of screens as those used by other disciplines – the uninitiated may need captions to tell tumours, radio galaxies and rainstorms apart. It has never been easier, in abstract terms, to think of ourselves as part of the physical world and we have never been more in the hands of experts when we want to understand what the visual evidence implies." Tumours, radio galaxies and rainstorms! (source:
What Keeps You Up At Night? (Poll for YT research)
Hello everyone! It would be great if you could visit Chris's YouTube channel and participate in a poll he has created. The poll asks which diagnosis you worry about the most, cancer or tears. It will help decide the content of a future YouTube video :) Anyone can vote with just a quick click. Link here:
New comment Feb 20
0 likes • Feb 20
Interesting results! Thank you to everyone who voted so far.
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Heathcote Ruthven
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Community Success Manager

Active 17h ago
Joined Jul 5, 2023
London, UK
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