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20 contributions to Skool Affiliates
Still Chasing that BIG Investment?
It’s time to flip the script and watch the money chase YOU! Here’s how to tweak your strategy and get investors lining up: 🔹️ 1. Ditch the Jargon, Keep It Human Investors want to understand you, not decode you. Speak their language—clear, simple, and full of excitement. If your grandma can get it, so can they! 🔹️ 2. Make Your Story Unforgettable Facts are great, but stories stick. Build a narrative around your business that tugs at heartstrings or makes them lean forward. Investors should be hooked by your story, not just your stats! 🔹️ 3. Show Skin in the Game Put your money (or time) where your mouth is. Investors love founders who’ve personally invested in their own success. Show that you’re all-in, and they’ll be ready to follow. 🔹️ 4. The Money Is in the Metrics You’ve got to know your numbers like the back of your hand. Show ‘em your growth, your potential, and how they’re going to make their money back—with interest. 🔹️ 5. Be Confident, Not Desperate Investors are like cats—they can sense when you’re too eager. Be confident in your pitch, own your value, and remember: they need you just as much as you need them! 🔹️ 6. Network, Network, Network Your golden ticket might not be an investor, but someone who knows one. Get out there, build connections, and let your network work its magic. Change up your approach and watch your funding soar. Ready to boost your chances? Let’s chat.
Still Chasing that BIG Investment?
People Who Comment in My Posts:
🔹️Can always find the best parking spots. 🔹️Never miss a sale. 🔹️Their coffee is always the perfect temperature. ... guaranteed.
Your Pitch Deck is Your Secret Weapon!
So let’s make it irresistible! Here’s how to upgrade it and unlock those next-level funding opportunities: 🔹️ 1. Keep It Simple, Make It Powerful No need to drown in data! Keep each slide clean and clear. Think big headlines, sharp visuals, and punchy facts. Make investors lean in, not zone out. 🔹️ 2. Hook Them Early Start with your WHY. Why should investors care? Why is your solution a game-changer? If you hook them in the first 30 seconds, you’ve already won half the battle. 🔹️ 3. Highlight the Market Opportunity Show them there’s room to grow—and win BIG. Make sure they understand why your market is ripe for disruption and why you’re the one to do it. 🔹️ 4. Show the Traction, Not Just the Dream Dreams are great, but cold, hard facts are better. Whether it’s customer growth, partnerships, or sales, showcase your momentum. Investors want to fund what’s working. 🔹️ 5. Know Your Numbers Inside Out Revenue, margins, burn rate—you need to own these like a pro. When you hit the financial slides, answer questions with confidence and clarity. Numbers talk, money walks. 🔹️ 6. Call to Action Don’t forget to ask! End strong by telling investors exactly what you need and how their investment will skyrocket your business. With these fixes, you’ll have a pitch deck that’s not just good—it’s a funding magnet! ✨
New comment 3d ago
Your Pitch Deck is Your Secret Weapon!
Are you?
People who comment on my posts: 🔹️Never lose their remote. 🔹️Can fold laundry in record time. 🔹️Always have perfect Wi-Fi. ... all backed by my extremely credible research. 😬
Are YOU Ready?
Those who comment in my posts: 🔹️Always get an extra fry in their order. 🔹️Their Wi-Fi never lags. 🔹️Have great hair days. research is impeccable! Ops ... not DM me, book a CALL 😀 👇
Are YOU Ready?
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Evelyse Carvalho Ribas
8points to level up
Digital Assets + Business + Law Millions in Funding: Private & Public

Active 2d ago
Joined Jan 31, 2024
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