Bio: Seit 2006 bin ich auf "Der Journey" - nun am Ende meiner Fallstudien - dazu HP Psych, Bild- und Gestalttherapie, EMDR, Seelenhaus und nun "Quo vadis"?
Bio: My whole life was about music. Until I fell into a dark hole of depression. I had to heal myself and fell in love with The Journey in the process.
Bio: Hallo, ich bin Helge und wohne im Thüringer Wald in Suhl. Ich bin Mutter eines Sohnes. Derzeit schreibe ich meine letzten Fallstudien für die Journey
Bio: I am a Journey Practitioner from the 2006 class. I have a practice called Sacred Oak Healing Services in Exeter, NH and study the Lakota Medicine Way.
Bio: Austrian. Moved to the UK after a record deal in 1996. Built two 7-figure businesses. Now running blindspot, a coaching business for conscious people.