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Homework day 2 🀣
Guys 🀣 I recorded my "3 steps" Video but I couldn't share it here, I don't know why... I posted on Youtube first to create the link but the link from youtube was not accepted...I tried many many times. I really wanted you to see it... It was kinda funny because It wasn't like I planned it at all. It got shorter and I had to edit it. So I made a compilation of all the trials I had to do. I confess I really enjoyed this way. It was pure authentic. It looks like a short or a tiktok video The theme of my video is "3 steps to get into creative mode before doing my artworks for instagram" ❀️ the 3 steps are: 1.Meditation: helps with the flow state and gives access to inner creativity. 2. Getting inspiration. Feeding my brain with valuable artwork that resonates with my heart so I can store information to be used later. 3. Choose a picture from gallery. in this case I used a picture of a blue sky I've took on a trip. Just to get start. And just let it flow. The unconscious mechanism of creativity will act trough us. I am putting here the screenshot of my publications, and together with it is the name of my account if you want to see the videos from the homework :D You all have a great night <3
New comment Feb '23
Homework day 2 🀣
1 like β€’ Feb '23
Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing with us your channel. I'm going to look it up. I love your art🎨 you worked so hard to get it up I'm rooting for you expand keep up the creativity the world needs!!!!
Homework day 2
Entering flow state while physically and emotionally challenged.... 1 discipline to show up 2 consistent to practice/do the work 3 inspire yourself When I was a student musician I had to train every day for several hours. Some days were easy bc my passion motivated me, other days were harder to push through when I hit blocks. It took discipline to show up even when I didn't feel like it. Today going through this course I feel it's harder to do the work for spiritual development bc I'm physically sick, struggling with mental blocks and anxiety...but I want to be consistent to get the results. Just like in school I learned to discipline myself and be consistent and that's how I saw results. Yesterday when I was exhausted and today again even with my anxiety and physical sickness I felt the struggle but showed up anyway. Discipline of commitment to practices, showing up and doing my thing took me a long way in growing as an artist and now it applies to spiritual practice. Discipline itself becomes a spiritual practice to aid maturity. It is self love, tough love. Lol today I was feeling rough so I took some time for myself to rest, eat, drink water... All I wanted to do was lie flat on my back and zone out not in lol I just didn't feel like it being tired but I had to push myself to then sit down at the keyboard, tune in to the energy to find some flow and just start writing. Thankfully what I needed to say just came to me as I made myself do it 🀣 In those tougher moments I need to find inspiration to fuel me with creative energy to meet the assignment. Listening to someone's inspirational story, tuning into the creative energy in this forum, rewatching the session or doing the enter flow practices gave me the inspiration to do the work with that inspired energy. Wow what a transformative practice to be disciplined to show up, consistent to do the work, and find inspiration to energize creativity. If you're having a tough day/weekend I challenge you guys to practice discipline, inspire yourself starting now πŸ˜ƒ
New comment Feb '23
I posted the homework on YouTube to be able yo post it!
New comment Feb '23
I posted the homework on YouTube to be able yo post it!
1 like β€’ Feb '23
Wow Amelia so courageous and passionate! You've overcome tremendously. Isee you accomplishing your dreams and your brother and fiance supporting you in spirit as you flyyyyyyyyyyyyy wind beneath your wings
Hey there! My name is Kristiina and I'm from Finland 🌿 I'm a Shamanic Channel & Transformational Coach The intention here for the challenge and beyond for the year 2023 is now open the work internationally for clients to serve and become visible in what I do & also to clarify the course and offerings that are coming through. It's time for all of us to rise ✨ Ps. I just created & set up this Youtube Channel by uploading this as a first video ever! Feel free to join the journey! With love xx
New comment Feb '23
2 likes β€’ Feb '23
Love your energy. Very invigorating and you have faith over fears. Good example thanks πŸ’š the words are like seeds of inspiration
Homework day 1
Ana Luisa is my name, I am from Brazil. I currently live in a city called Dourados on the center-west part of the country. -a very very big country- This is my video. I noticed that my voice was kind of low volume, but the purpose of this is not trying to be perfect, right ?🀣 anyways, in case it is not clear on the video, my goal this year is to WORK full time on the internet using all my knowledge to help transform people's life and self image the same way I transformed mine 😍 the thing is: Just graduated from Psychology and I feel kind of afraid to speak about ""esoteric things" and quantum physics and etc....and this is one of my biggest blocks: the fear of judgment of not having how to prove that what I teach is valuable and accurate. People in the academic world can be very hard to deal with so I got out of college kind of scary. But I'm decided to be myself and that's why I'm here😍 thank you for this huge opportunity, guys. you inspire me for so long. I really mean it.
New comment Feb '23
Homework day 1
1 like β€’ Feb '23
Awesome you inspire me πŸ’œ
1-10 of 16
Adriana Martinez
26points to level up
I work in a nursing home, and I have gifts as a psychic empath. I can see past present future and other realms and messages from my intuition

Active 598d ago
Joined Feb 2, 2023
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