Entering flow state while physically and emotionally challenged.... 1 discipline to show up 2 consistent to practice/do the work 3 inspire yourself When I was a student musician I had to train every day for several hours. Some days were easy bc my passion motivated me, other days were harder to push through when I hit blocks. It took discipline to show up even when I didn't feel like it. Today going through this course I feel it's harder to do the work for spiritual development bc I'm physically sick, struggling with mental blocks and anxiety...but I want to be consistent to get the results. Just like in school I learned to discipline myself and be consistent and that's how I saw results. Yesterday when I was exhausted and today again even with my anxiety and physical sickness I felt the struggle but showed up anyway. Discipline of commitment to practices, showing up and doing my thing took me a long way in growing as an artist and now it applies to spiritual practice. Discipline itself becomes a spiritual practice to aid maturity. It is self love, tough love. Lol today I was feeling rough so I took some time for myself to rest, eat, drink water... All I wanted to do was lie flat on my back and zone out not in lol I just didn't feel like it being tired but I had to push myself to then sit down at the keyboard, tune in to the energy to find some flow and just start writing. Thankfully what I needed to say just came to me as I made myself do it π€£ In those tougher moments I need to find inspiration to fuel me with creative energy to meet the assignment. Listening to someone's inspirational story, tuning into the creative energy in this forum, rewatching the session or doing the enter flow practices gave me the inspiration to do the work with that inspired energy. Wow what a transformative practice to be disciplined to show up, consistent to do the work, and find inspiration to energize creativity. If you're having a tough day/weekend I challenge you guys to practice discipline, inspire yourself starting now π