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Challenge with David

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B2B Marketers Club

Public • 77 • Free

6 contributions to B2B Marketers Club
Easy enough to understand?
In Micro Focus (now OpenText) we have our IT Services organization called Professional Services. We had a huge refresh of the page and we moved from 15+ Services pages (1 per each product portfolio) to a more customer centric webpage - telling the story of our customer's the digital transformation journey and the services we have to empower them in their journey. We have an Overview page and 4 extensions - Advisory Services, Value Realization, Optimization Services and, the most complete of our offerings, Value+ Services. The main purpose was to tell a story that customers can resonate with and simplify our GoToMarket message. What do you think?
New comment Mar 8
1 like • Mar 7
@Natalia Dărăbăneanu this is great feedback, Thank you! The best i received by far!
1 like • Mar 8
@Raluca Apostol thank you! Very interesting to see your thoughts .... indeed we did not explain too much, as services come in the context of the software and customers already know their needs and struggles ...
IT Services webpage
Since this category was created based on my feedback, I feel I should be the one opening it up😉. So here it is - In Micro Focus (now OpenText) we have our IT Services organization called Professional Services. We had a huge refresh of the page and we moved from 15+ Services pages (1 per each product portfolio) to a more customer centric webpage - telling the story of our customer's the digital transformation journey and the services we have to empower them in their journey. We have an Overview page and 4 extensions - Advisory Services, Value Realization, Optimization Services and, the most complete of our offerings, Value+ Services. The main purpose was to tell a story that customers can resonate with and simplify our GoToMarket message.
New comment Mar 8
0 likes • Mar 7
@Natalia Dărăbăneanu thanks@! Anything you'd do different?
February event - Monday, 25 February
Everyone in and out of Bucharest - see you next week! On Monday, we're hosting our next live event, hybrid, and we'll be presenting the results of our B2B CEE Trendbook. Sign up here:
New comment Feb 27
0 likes • Feb 27
i have not seen this :(
LinkedIn social selling
You're scrolling on LinkedIn, and up pops yet another pitch for a product or service you've never even heard of. Yawn, right? But that's the reality of traditional cold outreach. It's becoming as outdated as a VHS tape in an era of streaming and binge-watching. Once upon a time it was all about quantity, more contacts equalled more conversions. But now LinkedIn is less supermarket sweep and more intimate dinner party where the quality of interactions matters over sheer numbers. Here are some reasons why traditional lead gen just doesn't cut it anymore: 1️⃣ Lost in translation: Cold messages often end up ignored or worse, – marked as spam. They feel impersonal and out-of-context. 2️⃣ Potential buyers' fatigue: Bombarding prospects with pitches only wears them down. Nobody joins LinkedIn to be sold at constantly. 3️⃣ Algorithms & AI: The tech-savvy platform prioritizes authentic relationships over transactional exchanges (think Beauty & Beast over Tinder). Change can be tough to swallow. Even if it’s washed down with some vintage Chianti but fear not, out of change comes opportunity. So let’s embrace the evolution and focus on intentional interactions, on building relationships first and letting those lead us organically to conversions. Subtle? Yes! Effective? Very! Who among our savvy networkers here have already taken this path when it comes to lead gen on LinkedIn? Share some tips or happy handshakes that happened today. Let's turn our connection into conversations.
New comment Feb 20
1 like • Feb 20
For big businesses LinkedIn is a good platform . Sellers can find good contacts which they add to their social network. Then, the same sellers share the social posts from their companies - and there you have it. The journey is not short nor easy - but it's still a good lead gen for enterprises. Another good practice is to have employees acting as strong and proactive advocates. That's when the game really changes. The challenge here is that in big corporations there is a large level of censorship and - I'll let you figure out the rest...
Say hi!
Hi everyone! We're SLOWLY bringing in people. But since WE'RE already here, let's introduce ourselves to get to know each other. Who are you? Where are you from? What do you like doing most? What would you need help with? So.. I'm Andrei, running a digital marketing agency. Based in Bucharest. I like building stuff, anything that needs building, I'm happy to do it. I'm learning about business development these days and how to be a better manager (as opposed to a freelancer). Happy to have all of you here!
New comment Mar 22
1 like • Feb 14
@Natalia Dărăbăneanu this is too good to be true! We need a channel for B2B storytellers LOL
1 like • Feb 16
@Natalia Dărăbăneanu cool!
1-6 of 6
Carmen Burcea
5points to level up
Experienced professional in B2B sales and marketing strategies and communications. Proven track record of pipeline generation and closing sales.

Active 143d ago
Joined Jan 30, 2024
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