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Zamboni Inner Circle

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82 contributions to Zamboni Inner Circle
It's Laura, again!
Well and HELLO again!!! I am NOT making this up, I can't catch a break if someone handed it to me. Most of you know broken neck, paralyzed from neck down, broken patella (kneecap), double spiral compound fracture in my left leg, back in a wheelchair, all with in the last 3 years of which a total of 9 months were in physical rehab facilities. Now an accident, they are going to have to pull my teeth, probably going to do them all because all the time in rehab, they weren't taken care of, then 6 months to completely heal before new ones, dentures or implants. This would be comical if it wasn't so true, I think I laugh out of hysteria. But for the umpteenth time I'm back, @Glen Merrick you look like you've put out some good tools, and I'm sure others have, just have to get through everything in the next few days. FOR THOSE OF YOU DOING POD, what are you seeing as hot sellers? Things are a bit slow in the States due to the upcoming election, what a nightmare! Anyway, more later, just once again saying HELLO and I'm back...............prayers or wishes please! 🤦‍♀️
New comment Nov '24
2 likes • Nov '24
Laura, you are amazing. With the positivity and persistence that you have, you will undoubtedly achieve success in POD or anything else you choose.
Hi, guys!
I'm not "new" here but have not been active. You know, life. I've been reading through some of the great posts in the community. I'm so glad to be here. I can't believe all the wonderful resources Allessandro has made available for us. What a great skool!
New comment Nov '24
3 likes • Oct '24
@Robin Fritz Hi Robin! Welcome, and if you don't recognize my name, it's because I also have been sidetracked by "life" this year. First, my husband and I retired, then he suffered a stroke in May, and then we sold our home in California and moved to Arizona in July. It's a lot to adjust to within a short period of time. I haven't been able to spend as much time here as I'd like, but I pop in whenever I can because this is a wonderful group of people.
Something Terrible Happened Yesterday 😥
Yesterday morning, in Southport, UK, the town where I live, a man walked into a dance class and carried out a frenzied knife attack against the young children and adults who were there. Two girls aged six and seven died yesterday, another girl, aged nine, died this morning, five other children are still in a critical condition at hospital, as well as two adults. The whole town is in shock. It's very hard to comprehend why such things happen, why somebody would carry out such an atrocious act against innocent children. Lots of questions that need answers. The man (17) was captured and arrested and taken to a police station. Please spare a thought for all the poor victims and those affected by this horrendous attack Thank you. Nine year old victim named
New comment Aug '24
1 like • Jul '24
This was very shocking and horrible -- impossible to comprehend why this happened.
My good friend and long time Mentor, Nick James, sent me this last night and allowed me to share it in here. There is also a video at You can either download the book from there as well, no optin, or you can download it from here.
New comment Mar '24
1 like • Mar '24
Thank you, Glen!
OpenAI's latest thing is Amazing
Creating Video from text. This is not yet released, so coming soon to a computer near you. Sora is an AI model that can create realistic and imaginative scenes from text instructions. It is hard to believe these are not filmed, but made from AI instead.
New comment Mar '24
2 likes • Feb '24
I'm impressed!
1-10 of 82
Laura Tyler
82points to level up
Still work fulltime, but have been looking at entrepreneurial ideas for a while now.

Active 2d ago
Joined Aug 16, 2023
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