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Skool Community

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Kingdom Culture Revolution

Public • 31 • $7/m

5 contributions to Kingdom Culture Revolution
Pull back the velvet rope for our VIP’s
Please help me give a warm welcome to our new members: @Kristin Kurtz @Debbie Reed @Sarah Kuhlman @Sheena McKinney @Steve Wormer @John Murphy @Clint Riggin @Kevin Gebert @MelAnn Morales @Angela Welch @Vona Johnson @Maureen Riley @Andrea York @Kevin Gregg @Christine van Tonder @Ingrid Morgan @Monique Horb @Tammy Rice We’re so glad you’re here! If you haven’t already, tell us where you’re from, something about your family, and what you like to do for fun. Comment on at least two peoples responses by noting what you have in common and like 3 responses to get the connections flowing.
New comment 7h ago
Pull back the velvet rope for our VIP’s
4 likes • 3d
@MelAnn Morales that is a brilliant story! The best accidents make for the best show moments. How funny that your parents didn't realize it was you until halfway through the show. It's wonderful how the performing arts can reveal abilities and skills that others never knew were possible. Well done and great share :-)
2 likes • 2d
@Sheena McKinney thanks!
Controversial Topics
I believe we need to start having deeper conversations, especially about the more controversial topics in the church. If we as a society can’t put on our big boy/girl pants and engage in these discussions, what does that say about us? We don’t have to *agree* on everything, but we should be open to *understanding* other perspectives. It’s not about who is right, but *what* is right—and seeking the truth together. These conversations don’t have to turn into debates or arguments. We can disagree and still respect one another, keeping it clean and focused on learning. Let’s ask the deeper questions and hear each other out. I’d love to know your thoughts on this—do you think we need to have these conversations, and how do we approach them in a healthy way?
New comment 2d ago
2 likes • 5d
@Angela Linville so awesome that worked. Great way to carry on the conversation. Technical question (if you or anyone else knows) - would Skool limit the size of files or the amount of data you’re using (audio & video) for your community? Regardless of that answer… great way to have the deeper conversations. More to come:-)
2 likes • 5d
@Angela Linville yes I am. Probably a great place to find that info. If I find the answer I’ll pass it along.
New to the community?
Welcome to Kingdom Culture Revolution! Just joining the community? Leave a simple comment to introduce yourself below, and then welcome a few others by responding to their comments. New to Skool? -> Every time someone likes a post or comment of yours, you get a point. -> Points earn you levels -> 5 Points gets you to level 2 (so go leave 5 comments in the community to get your 5 likes) -> At level 2, you can post in the community. -> At level 3, you unlock your first course As you participate in the community, you earn more courses and prizes, and you develop more valuable relationships (with both me and the members inside). This is a community that CARES about you, and REWARDS you for being an ACTIVE member. Let's learn, grow, and rise together to bring more of the KINGDOM to earth! Any questions? Ask them below and we'll help you out!
New comment 3d ago
2 likes • 6d
@Kristin Kurtz love that!
0 likes • 5d
@Vona Johnson it’s so good to meet you. What a wonderful calling you have with helping people work towards their retirement. That’s amazing! I also love that you shared the learning you had along the way with failures in business and discovering you had your identity wrapped up in the wrong things. That so resonates with me. My identity was wrapped up in the wrong things for decades in the entertainment industry. Grateful for God‘s impact on my life and His continued help clarifying that I am His beloved child first. Look forward to getting to know you more on here.
We’ve officially welcomed 30 members!
Can I just say how thankful I am that each of you are here? I don’t believe in accidents or coincidence. A great big, fat THANK YOU for making this community…well…a community! I will begin introducing you to our Alliance Leaders next week so stay tuned for that! We have a Meet & Greet tomorrow morning at 10:30 am Central time. You can find the link under the calendar tab at the top of your screen. Click on the date and the details will pop up at the bottom of the screen. We’ll also put together a walk through video for those who are new to this platform to make it easier for you to navigate. If you need help with anything, don’t hesitate to reach out! Now…who will I get to see at the Meet & Greet tomorrow? Drop a comment if you’re joining us.
New comment 5d ago
We’ve officially welcomed 30 members!
2 likes • 7d
Congratulations! Well done. I wish I could see you all for the meet and greet. I will be traveling at that time with my wife and son to Northern California to celebrate my mother-in-law’s 92nd birthday. Hope to connect with you soon via Zoom. Have a great meet and greet!
2 likes • 7d
@Angela Linville thanks so much. Hope it was a good one.
Welcome to the BEST Community for Kingdom Leaders (Read me first)
Welcome to our community of Kingdom leaders! We're thrilled to have you here as part of a dynamic group of believers called to establish heavenly solutions in the earth. This is a training ground for the modern-day Elijah’s, David’s, Deborah’s, and Esther’s—those who know they’ve been called for such a time as this. In this community, you’ll find resources, mentorship, connection, collaboration, and the support needed to step fully into your God-given purpose. We’re here to help you gain the clarity, confidence, and conviction to fulfill your mission with passion, power, and purpose. Explore our discussions, engage and collaborate with fellow members, and dive into the content designed to equip you for the unique assignment God has placed on your life. We believe in you, and we’re excited to see the impact you’ll make. How does Skool work? For every comment or post, you get points. Points move you through the levels. Moving through the levels unlocks different goodies. We'll be adding more goodies as we grow. Soooo...Take a moment to introduce yourself. I'd love to learn more about you and the community would too (not to mention, it earns you points which will advance you to Level 2 so you can post!). We're so grateful God has led you here. Welcome to the movement!
New comment 4d ago
2 likes • 7d
@Lisa Vanderveen what an awesome mission! (And yes I completely believe homeschooling students can deliver performances that rival Broadway performances. I’ve seen kids in remote parts of California and Slovenia knock it out of the park) Very good to meet you. I dig your path! Helping Christians achieve their goals and stay on path aligning faith with their work and vision. Outstanding!
2 likes • 7d
@Lisa Vanderveen happy to help. And happier to see you thrive and triumph for your family 🙏🙌
1-5 of 5
Kevin Gregg
81points to level up
Creative Director and Producer. Have performed and presented for 2.5 million+ audience members. I help you get the creative work done.

Active 8h ago
Joined Sep 19, 2024
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