When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a singer. 🎤 I remember my dad telling one of his friends, "I could turn her into a singer if I wanted to." An odd memory. Or did I dream it? I tend to think it happened because I remember thinking later, "Then why didn't you?"🧐 I loved to sing. I loved music. 🎶Listened to it all the time. But I never remembered my dad saying anything else. Now, my mom wanted the two us to be the Judds. A mother and daughter singing team. Yet, she never made any effort to make it happen. Then I wanted to be writer. I remember writing a song at 10 years old called "Catastrophe". 🤯The chorus went something like "C-A-T-A-S-T-R-O-P-H-E.....catastrophe...that's all you've been to me." I could have been the one to teach the masses how to spell catastrophe just as Gwen Stefani taught us all how to spell bananas🍌....B-A-N-A-N-A-S...you sang the letters in your head didn't you? 😂 I wrote poems, stories, read my funny stories to my mom to make her laugh. I LOVED writing. ✍️It was my outlet. But back then the only way I knew to be a writer was to write a book. Who was I to try and become a best selling author? I had the conversation with my son not long ago and I was explaining to him that I would have loved to have a career in a creative world. That my parents supported going to college 📚but beyond that I was on my own. To them a degree=money. And then I went and picked a career that was a calling....not a moneymaker 🤑...being a therapist. I wasn't satisfied there either so I found other ways to help people. I have been blessed to help many people. But what if...and hear me out...my parents had fostered my creativity. 💫Where would I be today? I fully recognize we cannot change the past and I know my parents did the best they could. This is why it's so important for me to support my kiddo in his dreams. 🤩I want to support parents and help them listen 🙉to their kids and help their kids find a career they love.