Loving kindness
Just a random post: We made our flight home from the Cal State Games in San Diego, in which my daughter swam, due to the kindness of a stranger. Due to the worldwide outage, the airport was in chaos, but I explained to her that we made all the technical cut offs, but the lines for bag check were so long we didn’t make it by 3 minutes. We only had 18 hours at home (including sleep time) to see my folks on my daughter’s 10th birthday. No other flights open and no extra time. This lady at Alaska Airlines went thru 3 supervisors after 2 “nos” and got us on the plane. We felt so blessed. We got home near midnight, then I pulled an all nighter and made my daughter’s orca cake and got to spend our day with my folks, both fighting major medical illnesses, for her special dinner. Sometimes, we just need a break or need to give someone else a break; it changes lives.
Lisa Mochizuki
Loving kindness
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