Getting started
Someone just asked how to get started with list building/affiliate marketing. This was my reply:
Sign up for an email provider like Aweber or ConvertKit (both have free trials) and create a landing page with a free offer. Think headline like "How I got X result in Y time without Z" for example, "How I lost 10 pounds in one week without exercise". Then a sub headline that supports it like "Download my free report to see the exact steps I took". Then a button with a clear CTA (call to action) like "Download the free report".
This page will either show the opt-in form for people to join your email list. When they fill out the form, Aweber (or whoever you use) will automatically send them an email with a link to your free report.
When you promote this page/offer on social media, blogs, forums and even paid ads (start with free), people will opt-in and your list will grow.
Then you give valuable content to your readers (tips, case studies, strategies, things you've actually done) and occasionally point to affiliate offers that you genuinely believe will help them solve a problem, people will buy and you'll make money.
That's list building/affiliate marketing in a nutshell. 馃檪
Mike Cowles
Getting started
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