#6FigureDealSourcer (PREMIUM)
Private group
91 members
$999 /month
Learn How To Make £120,000/Year (or more) Selling Rent-To-Rent Deals Online 📱🏡💥💷💷
🎉 150+ Mentees made £3,000 - £10,000/month after joining this program
What’s included:
🔥 Guides: Video & Written (£1,997 Value)
🔥 24/7 Real-Time Support (£2,997 Value)
🔥 Daily Accountability Calls (£2,997 Value)
🔥 Weekly Workshops: LIVE calls (£1,497)
🔥 EVERY Document You Need (£997 Value)
🔥 Exclusive Deals: Sell FAST! (£5,997 Value)
🔥 Access #6FDS Community (£5,997 Value)
Total Value — £22,479
Now For Just — £760/month ($999)
❗️Join Now. Price increasing soon!
#6FigureDealSourcer (PREMIUM)
Helping Deal Sourcers make £10,000+ per MONTH by selling Rent-To-Rent deals to investors for £3,000 EACH using my FREE Facebook strategy 🔥
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