We play together, Pray together! Team work makes the dream work ;)
These repeats almost every Single day 9:30am EST. Find the image below!
God created the entire universe in 7 days !
The belief that God created the entire universe in seven days comes from the biblical account in the Book of Genesis, specifically in Genesis 1. According to this narrative:
1. Day : God created light, separating it from darkness, calling the light “day” and the darkness “night.”
2. Day : God created the sky, separating the waters above from the waters below. As above so below !
3. Day : God gathered the waters together, allowing dry land to appear, and created vegetation, plants, and trees.
4. Day : God created the sun, moon, and stars to give light to the earth and to separate day from night.
5. Day : God created the sea creatures and birds.
6. Day : God created land animals and mankind in His own image, giving them dominion over the earth and its creatures.
7. Day : God rested, blessing the seventh day and making it holy.
By being mindful of these principles is a great approach towards trading, especially since it aligns with the concept of a structured and orderly creation, much like the seven days of creation narrative Framing trading principles around such a number can be both memorable and impactful.
I have these seven rules outlined and I'd love to highlight them and break them down to you folks, It could be a valuable framework to teach and help team players become consistently profitable in trading it only takes about 2-3 hours a day then you can apply these cause in order to create your own really (effect) Since we already live in the multiverse but we don’t see it because we are too focused on time and space versus moving in frequencies.
Once we align with these frequencies we can become creator of our own reality ! To get better understanding stay tuned, more gems 💎about to drop !
Jenish Patel
We play together, Pray together! Team work makes the dream work ;)
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