Just do something!
So one thing you’ll learn about me is that I tend to over-complicate things – It’s just my nature, and I work hard to recognize when it happens.
I figure this is a good place to maybe document our journeys – everyone here is at someplace different, just getting started, already selling but want to grow, have an established business but want to look at different ways to expand. I'm what you'd call 'just starting' - been dabbling for years, but never thought about making a business out of it.
I’m going to use this thread to document what I’m doing, breaking things down into small achievable steps – it’s never going to happen if you don’t just do something.
Not sure if this forum/community software will allow us to go back and edit posts to add info, but if not, I’ll just post replies.
First Steps
Deciding my niche/product – so I’m already off-program here – as I mentioned in my intro, I own a Snapmaker, which allows me to prototype not only 3D FDM models, but also laser cut and CNC. While I was researching Etsy & Google, looking for something I’d be interested in working on, there were some wood working projects that caught my attention and are underserved – make a long story short, use laser cutting to make Guitar Picks, Pick Boxes and Small gift boxes.
So, not 3D printing (Nikko might kick me out of the program 😉) But the concepts are all the same.
Here’s my plan:
1. Market Guitar picks and Giftboxes on Etsy, allowing customization options
2. Re-invest into a couple tools that will help with production
3. Branch into digital delivery of plans (Idea here is to hire a designer(s) to create plans for the 3D cut models, like the Parrot, Airship, etc) for people to cut for themselves – just like Nikko does, but for the laser cutting folks out there.
Things I’m working on right now:
1. Creating design & cut files for products
2. Sourcing materials for cutting.
3. Upgrading my workspace (Inside my house, need to set up some proper ventilation if going to be cutting a larger volume.)
Going to try to make todays call – would love to hear some feedback on this if you’ve had a chance to read my novella.
Stan Golob
Just do something!
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